RLST-10500 Introduction to World Religions: Indigenous and Eastern

[I found] the global approach to understanding religion in a non-biased way [to be most educationally valuable about this course.]

It really challenged me to think in new and non-West ways that I never have before.

The overview was great. I feel like I can confidently talk about other religions and that I understand their viewpoints for their beliefs.

Religions in general can be applied to life and school, and I have found this class to be exceptionally helpful in finding both a personal spirituality and a holistic, educational enjoyment of world culture and religions.

[I found] learning about different cultures and perspectives [to be most educationally valuable about this course.] It will help me with my desired profession.

[I found] learning about other religions and learning how to look at my own from a new perspective [to be most educationally valuable about this course.]

The course encompassed more than just studying different religions, but also explored tolerance and understanding.