RLST-24000 Writing About Religion: Heaven and Hell

[I found] being able to connect vast ideas [with] experiences we’ve had, or current events, [to be most educationally valuable about this course.]

I thought that being taught how to read a section of writing and find the structure the author used is a valuable skill.

[I found] the very specific and very useful writing skills that can be translated anywhere [to be most educationally valuable about this course.]

What I found most valuable is learning about all of religion and improving my writing. This course has taught me to become a better writer and I actually enjoy doing it.

I was able to have the opportunity to learn about several religions I was unfamiliar with and how they influenced society as well as other religions.

It allows you to take a step back and see how all modern day religions came to be and put them in the context of each other.

I learned a lot about my own writing and got a deeper learning of religion.

[I found] learning about all the different religions and learning how they developed throughout history [to be most educationally valuable about this course.]

I learned a lot about how religions change and form. I also learned a lot about writing academically and how to structure that writing.

[I found] the history of hell and the different beliefs about the afterlife [to be most educationally valuable about this course.]

This course provided me with a new way to approach religious texts and subjects that I have yet to practice. I found that the work I did on my final paper was some of the best writing I’ve ever done.