Fall 2013
Women’s Studies is hosting an event series entitled, “From Reproductive Rights to Reproductive Justice: Reclaiming the Conversation on Sexual and Reproductive Issues.” As we head into the election session, politicians have focused almost exclusively on deeply politicized issues like abortion and birth control. While these issues are important, the Women’s Studies program is interested in expanding the conversation to include the wide range of issues surrounding sexuality and reproduction, including sexual self-determination, decisions about if and when to have children or not to have them, and the resources to raise children. In our series of events, we have chosen to shine the spotlight on people often left out of the reproductive rights discourse, particularly queer people, people with disabilities, and immigrant families. Details on the events are posted below.
- Human Rights & Sexual Rights:An Interactive Workshop on the Connections, Intersections, and Importance of Broadening our Scope, Maureen Kelly, Planned Parenthood, Mon, October 8 at 7 PM in Textor 101 (Pizza will be served!)
- Women with Disabilities:Questioning Assumptions, Emily Papperman, Larry Roberts and Teri Reinemann from the Finger Lakes Independence Center, Tues, October 23 at 12:15 PM in Clark Lounge
- Families Torn Apart: Undocumented Immigrant Parents and their U.S. Born Children, Mary Jo Dudley, Cornell Farmworker Program, Tues, December 4 at 12:15 PM in Clark Lounge
Spring 2013
Women's Studies will is co-sponsoring, with the Department of History, a talk by Zoe Paloantonio on Monday, February 4th in Klingenstein Lounge. Paloantonio's talk is entitled "Feminism, Poverty and the Law: Working as an Attorney at Whitman-Walker Health Legal Services Program."
The Handwerker Gallery and the Department of Art History are hosting a series of lectures and film screenings on the intersections of Fashion and Architecture. This series, entitled "Rooms of Their Own: Humans and the Second Skin" explores the ways that fashion, like architecture, is on the front lines of a border ecology between inside and outside. More information on this series is available at http://www.ithaca.edu/handwerker/events/
The OSEMA office and Career Services are hosting a series of Tia Talks on the Gender Pay Gap. These events are scheduled throughout the semester and are designed to both offer information about the pay gap and help you better prepare yourself for the job market. Details about the Tia Talks are available at http://www.ithaca.edu/sacl/osema/leadership/paygap/
Dr. Andrew Smiler, Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology at Wake Forest University will be offering an interactive workshop on "Talking with Young Men about Sexualities and Relationships." The workshop is based in part on his recent book, Challenging Casanova: Beyond the Stereotype of the Promiscuous Young Male.The workshop will be Thursday, February 21, in Friends 309, from 12:10 to 1:00 pm.
The Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education is hosting a Global Health Distinguished Speaker Series on the topic of "Global Citizens for Health." Several events are scheduled in early April. Women's Studies students may be particularly interested in Dr. Padmini Murthy's talk on "Women's Health and Human Rights: Is it a Missing Link? What Can We Do?" on Thursday, April 4 in Textor 102 at 7 PM.
Fall 2012
Celebrating the publication of Adrienne Rich: A Tribute Anthology, Edited by Katharyn Machan, Split Oak Press will be hosting a book launch and reading by Marge Pierce and Ira Wood on Saturday, Sept 8 beginning at 6 PM at the Community School (303 E Martin Luther King Jr. St.).
On Friday, October 5, IC Feminists is sponsoring a screening of the documentary Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide in Textor 102 at 7 pm. The film is based on a book by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn about various issues women including, sex trafficking, rape, domestic violence, maternal mortality, and the importance of education. A trailer of the film is available here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JbWA-6GDn4&feature=player_embedded. If you have any questions, feel free to contact IC Feminists (icfeminists@gmail.com) or Kaley Belval (kbelval1@ithaca.edu).
Following the screening of Half the Sky, the author of the book that served as the foundation for the documentary, will be speaking here on campus. Sheryl WuDunn will discuss her book as a part of the Difficult Dialogues Symposium on Thursday, Nov 1 at 7:30 PM in Ford Hall. More details are available in Intercom.
The LGBT Center hosts filmmaker/TV producer Andrea Meyerson and musician Jennifer Leitham in a series of events beginning with the Oct 3 screening of I Stand Corrected at 7 PM in Textor 101. More details on the film and events are available on Intercom.
On October 25th, there will be a production of "8" at 8pm in Emerson Suites. “8″ is the real-life story of Kris & Sandy and Paul & Jeff, two loving couples who want to get married but can’t. Together with attorneys David Boies and Ted Olson and a host of expert witnesses, they take aim at Proposition 8, a discriminatory law that took away the right for LGBT couples to marry in California in 2008.
As a part of the CSCRE's Discussion Series entitled, "Suffocating Knowledge: Race, Power, Possibilities," Kimberle W. Crenshaw will be presenting a talk on, "Intersectionality in the Age of Post-Racialism" on Friday, Oct 26 at 7 PM in Textor 102. Further details on the Discussion Series are available here.
The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to be hosting Lis Maurer's (Director of the LGBT Center) presentation, "Media Portrayals of LGBT Characters on TV" on Thursday, November 1, at 6.00 p.m. The New Normal, Modern Family, Pretty Little Liars, Glee...there are more LGBT characters on TV than ever before. Does this enhanced visibility benefit us? Hold us back? A little of both? Come contribute to a facilitated discussion of what's going right, what's going wrong, who the characters are that you love to watch, and who would be the characters you want to see in the future.
Spring 2012
Coelis Mendoza is presenting, "Conception: Examining The Implications Of An Unexpected Pregnancy In a College Environment" on Tue. Feb. 7, 8-9pm at Textor 101.
VOX will be screening the film "Let's Talk About Sex" on Feb 9 at 7 PM in Textor 102.
The Center for the Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity is sponsoring a series of upcoming event on the theme of Black Men. More detail about this series are available on the CSCRE website.
▪ Adisa Price, Miami University in Ohio, "Black Masculinities: Representations, Resistance & Redemption", Monday, February 20th, in Clark Lounge from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
▪ Patricia Hill Collins, Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland, "At the Center of the Storm: Black Men, Violence and U.S. Society," Tuesday, March 27, in Emerson Suites from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Handwerker Art Gallery will be sponsoring an exhibit on "Voices: Truth, Identity, and Art from Africa" from March 1 to April 5. More information can be found on the gallery website.
The Art History Department has invited Pat Matthews to give a lecture on artist Suzanne Valadon on March 26. More details to follow.
This years LGBT Center Film Series is on the theme of LGBT People and Sport. The following films may be of particular interest:
▪ 100% Woman - Mountain bike champion Michlle Duaresaq made history as the first transgender athlete on a national team. She struggles for acceptance - as an athlete and a woman - as she faces protest from other racers, some of whom she once considered friends. Wednesday, March 7 at 7 PM, Textor 103
▪ A Knock Out - Michele Aboro's career ended when she refused to vamp up her image and pose naked in magazines. The undefeated world champion was abandoned by an industry more interested in selling sex than sport - a universal story of fighting for one's identity and a probing look at the intersection of gender, ethnicity, and sexuality in women's sports. Wednesday, March 28 at 7 PM, Textor 103
The LGBT Center is hosting a series of events in honor of LGBT Awareness Month in April. More information on these events is available here.
SpitThat!, the spoken word poetry organization will be hosting Fire and Rain, a slam poetry team composed of Joaquin Zihuatanejo and Natasha Carrizoasa. The event will be held on Monday, April 23 in Emerson Suites from 7 to 9 PM.
The IC Feminists are a student group dedicated to exploring feminist issues and hosting a variety of campus events. Check out more information on their activities on their Facebook page.
- The IC Players are hosting their annual performance of the Vagina Monologues on Saturday, February 25 at 7 PM and Sunday, Feb 26 at 8 PM. Both performances will be held in Emerson Suites. Stop by the IC Feminists table at both performances!
SAFER (Students Active for Ending Rape) is a pro-active organization on campus that strives to end rape, victim-blaming, and "rape culture" (societal attitudes that condone and normalize sexual violence) through education and raising awareness. For more information on their actives, see their Facebook page.
- SAFER will be hosting "IC Sex Behind Closed Doors" - an open forum and informative discussion about sexual assault and rape culture. The event will be held on Wednesday, April 25 from 6 to 8 PM in Clark Lounge. Refreshments and pizza will be offered.
SAFER invites students to march down to The Commons for the city-wide Take Back the Night rally on Thursday, April 26. Meet at the Textor Ball at 6:45 PM and the march will begin at 7 PM.