Tuesdays 2:30-4 and Fridays 10-11:30. Or send me an email if you want to arrange another time.
Matt Klemm
Spring 2025 Office Hours
Johns Hopkins PhD, History
University of Iowa BA, Classics and MA, History
Grinnell College, Classics
I teach a variety of courses in ancient Mediterranean and medieval European history. I am also the co-coordinator (with Dan Breen in English) of the Global Premodern Studies Minor program the faculty adviser to the Women's and Men's Ultimate (Frisbee) Clubs -- a sport that I have played for more than 20 years.
- Before Europe (100)
- Ithaca Seminar: Thinking with Animals in the Middle Ages (100)
- Medieval Civilization (200)
- Medicine and Magic in the Middle Ages (200)
- Body and Society in Ancient Greece and Rome (200)
- Science and Religion, Ancient Near East to Scientific Revolution (200)
- Monks, Heretics, and Scholars (300)
- Ancient Greece (300)
- Seminar: Medieval Heresy
- Seminar: Renaissance of the Twelfth Century
- Seminar: The Conversion of Rome
- Lucretius, De rerum natura [On the Nature of Things] (1-credit Honors seminar)
My research focuses on the intersections of medicine, philosophy, theology, and natural philosophy (or "science") in the later Middle Ages and early Renaissance. I am especially interested in changing conceptions of the relationship between body, soul, and mind, and of human nature as a whole. I am also interested in thought about animals and comparisons between animals and humans.
Medical Anthropology in the Late Middle Ages: Pietro d'Abano on Body, Soul, and the Virtues (Medicine in the Medieval Mediterranean 11). De Gruyter, 2024.
“Les complexions vertueuses: la physiologie des vertus dans l’anthropologie médicale de Pietro d'Abano [Virtuous Complexions: The Physiology of Virtue in the Medical Anthropology of Pietro d'Abano],” (trans. Aurélien Robert), Médiévales 63 (2012), pp. 59-74.
“A Medical Perspective on the Soul as Form of the Body: Peter of Abano on the Reconciliation of Galen and Aristotle,” in Paul J. J. M. Bakker, Sander de Boer, and Cees Leijenhorst (eds.), Psychology and the Other Disciplines: A Case of Cross-Disciplinary Interaction (1250-1750) . Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2012, pp. 275-295.
“Animals and Anthropology in Medieval Philosophy,” (with Pieter De Leemans) in Brigitte Resl (ed.), A Cultural History of Animals, Vol. II: The Medieval Age . Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2007, pp. 153-178.
“Medicine and Moral Virtue in the Expositio Problematum Aristotelis of Peter of Abano,” Early Science and Medicine 11 (2006), 302-335.
“Pietro d’Abano,” (with Pieter De Leemans) in Thomas Glick, Steven Livesey, and Faith Wallis (eds.) Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: An Encyclopedia. London: Routledge, 2005, pp. 404-405.