A picture perfect moment after the 2022 commencement ceremony

President Cornish smiling with families by the Fountains

President Cornish enjoying the nice weather after the ceremony.

President Cornish Celebrating the accomplishment of a 2022 grad with his family.

President Cornish smiling with students after the ceremony

President Cornish speaking with families after the 9am ceremony

President Cornish with the baseball team, who had their own ceremony the following day- due to a playoff game that kept them busy on the 22nd

President Cornish celebrating with families after the commencement ceremony

President Cornish Celebrates with a student after the ceremony

Confetti raining down as the 2022 graduates celebrate their accomplishment.

A graduate making a "Confetti Angel" at the end of the ceremony.

A great way to end the commencement ceremony.

Confetti blowing off- commemorating the end of the 2022 ceremony.

Confetti blowing off at the end of the 2022 graduation ceremony.

The platform party clapping for the class of 2022

President Cornish clapping for Shelia Katz- the keynote speaker

President Cornish Addressing the Class of 2022 with her remarks

President Cornish smiling out over the class of 2022 and she ends the 2022 Ceremony

President Cornish hugging one of the 2022 Graduates.

President Cornish delivering her final thoughts at the 2022 commencement ceremony.

President Cornish embraces a graduate, both enjoying the moment.

President Cornish sharing her remarks to the class of 2022

President Cornish presents the presidential medal to Dave and Bonnie Prunty- both of whom have worked at the college for over 30 years.

President Cornish and Provost Stein congratulate honorary degree recipients.

President Cornish addressing the graduates of the class of 2022

President Cornish ending the platform party procession into the arena.

A packed house for the 9am Graduation Ceremony to celebrate the class of 2022

President Cornish Processing to the Stage

President Cornish dressing students at the Graduate Hooding Ceremony

President Cornish and the Graduate Chairs set for the Graduate Hooding 2022

President Cornish providing here esteemed remarks at the Graduate Hooding Ceremony

President Cornish fist bumping a newly graduated student.

President Cornish embraces student commencement speaker, Leticia Guibunda's mother, at the 2022 Commencement Eve Dinner

President Cornish and student commencement speaker Leticia Guibunda sharing a laugh at the commencement eve/Board of Trustees Dinner.