Sundance Ignite Fellow

Alumna Crystal Kayiza began making documentaries in high school and pursued filmmaking and social justice throughout her career at Ithaca College, majoring in Documentary Studies and Production and taking a minor in African Diaspora, Women, and Gender Studies. After working at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as a legal assistant and advocacy and policy associate, she was granted a fellowship at the Jacob Burns Film Center and was then named a Sundance Ignite Fellow. Filmmaker magazine featured her as one of 25 new faces of independent film in 2018. This year, her film See You Next Time was an official selection of the 2020 Sundance Film Festival. Elite Daily wrote a feature on her work, stating that she's a young filmmaker who's thriving and sparking conversations.

Watch Crystal's Work here:  

See You Next Time
Crystal Kayiza