The application cycle for entry into the master's in exercise and sport science degree is open! You can apply to the program until May 1, with rolling admission decisions until that date or until capacity is reached; early application is encouraged. If you are not ready to apply but would like more information about the program and/or would like to be notified when the application becomes available for future enrollment cycles, please complete our graduate interest form.
Concentration in Mental Performance
Curriculum Overview
In this concentration you will learn psychological factors influencing performance and will gain applicable skill sets to help athletes overcome setbacks and enhance their existing capabilities. Your expertise will increase as your focus narrows to the topics reflecting your specific interests and career considerations. Any student with sport-related career aspirations will find this program valuable. This concentration is specifically designed for students interested in working with athletes as a mental performance coach or wanting to enrich their knowledge of mental training as a coach, athletic trainer, or strength & conditioning or health/fitness/wellness specialist.
Through our thesis track, you can develop your research skills and prepare for doctoral/PhD studies in Sport Sciences, Sport Psychology, or Mental Health fields. Non-thesis students can improve mental performance coaching skills in your quest to obtain a better understanding of what makes elite performers. It is our goal to guide you in best facilitating it.
Please note: The Mental Performance concentration was renamed in 2021 changing the title of the from Sport Psychology to Mental Performance. The overall focus and educational objectives remain the same, with slight curriculum modifications to match CMPC requirements for students pursuing mental performance credentialing while maintaining our unique mental training education experience for professionals in sport, health, and wellness fields.

Pick a Thesis or Two Non-Thesis Tracks to Specialize in an Area of Your Choice
Ideal for student planning doctoral /PhD work but available to any student wanting to develop research skills, you will complete an independent thesis under the mentorship of two faculty members. The thesis track does not include all CMPC (Certified Mental Performance Consultant) knowledge areas or mentored hours. With addition coursework (beyond 30 credits) and permission of faculty, thesis students may be able to pursue additional coursework to complete extra CMPC knowledge areas.
Sample theses by former students:
- Predictors of Resilience in Collegiate Student-Athletes by Kelly Meyer
- Recruiting for Mental Toughness: A Qualitative Examination of Division I Coaches Perspectives When Evaluating Prospective Student Athletes by Sydney Masters
- An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Black female Student-athletes' Experiences with Microaggressions and Perceived Perception of Body Image by Jessica Jones
Designed for students pursuing credentialing as a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) and pursuing careers in mental performance coaching, this track includes graduate-level knowledge areas required for the CMPC exam and provides opportunities to start obtaining hours towards CMPC certification. The 16-month program includes 60 to 80 mentored hours. With planning, CMPC track students can extend their program an additional semester and complete practicuum / internship experiences for additional hours. Many students graduate with 240 to 280 mentored hours toward the CMPC certification requirements.
Sample classes/experiences include:
- Diversity in Sport and Exercise
- Advanced Communication and Facilitation Skills in Sport and Exercise
- Theories and Issues in Performance Enhancement in Sport and Exercise
Ideal for coaches, athletic trainers, strength & conditioning specialists, health/wellness/fitness specialists, or anyone working with clients wanting to have have knowledge and skills in mental performance to give their clients an edge and optimize performance.
Sample classes include:
- Group Dynamics in Exercise ad Sport
- Development of Expertise
Explore our Academic Catalog for course information and requirements in both thesis and non-thesis tracks.
This program prepares students to meet knowledge areas of external certification requirements by the Association For Applied Sports Psychology and work towards required mentored hours for becoming a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC). Some of the careers by past students have included:
Major League Baseball Mental Skills Coordinator/Coach (Astros, Cubs, Red Sox, Diamondbacks)
NCAA & Professional Sports Teams Coaches and Athletic Trainers
US Armed Forces Department of Defense Contracted Mental Performance Coaches (e.g. Cognitive Performance Coach/Specialist, Master Resilience Trainer-Performance Expert)
Medical/Wellness Clinic Consultants/Health Coaches
Research Coordinators of World Renowned Medical Centers

Candace Receno
Graduate Program Chair
Department of Exercise Science and Athletic Training
Ithaca College
318 Center for Health Sciences
Ithaca, NY 14850