Application Deadlines and Requirements

Master of Science (M.S.) in Exercise and Sport Sciences
Ready to Apply to the M.S. in Exercise and Sport Sciences?
Exercise and Sport Sciences (MS)Graduate Application Dates and Information
Learn more about the M.S. in Exercise and Sport Sciences at Ithaca College. 
Application deadline for assistantship or scholarship considerationFebruary 15. Assistantship award letters are sent out through mid-March.
Regular applicationApril 15 (Applications may continue to be reviewed on a space-available basis throughout the summer until classes begin.)
Minimum GPA3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). For international students, this may translate to a high pass/pass set of marks.
Prerequisite Requirements

Successful graduation from undergraduate institution and completion of prerequisites as follows:

Mental Performance:

  • 3 psychology courses (9+ credits, courses can be outside a psychology department, e.g., educational psychology, organizational behavior, social psychology). It is strongly encouraged that at least one of these courses be in sport or exercise psychology.
  • Statistics or tests & measurements (3 credits)

Applicants outside the field of kinesiology are strongly encouraged to take a course in sport psychology.

Human Performance:

  • Anatomy & physiology (7+ credits; 2 semesters, at least one semester with a lab)
  • Kinesiology or biomechanics (3 credits)
  • Exercise physiology (3-4 credits, with lab)
  • Statistics or tests & measurement (3 credits)
  • Psychology (3 credits)

It is desirable that students have coursework in exercise testing and prescription.

Missing Prerequisites?

The department can admit students with two (2) deficient courses for full-time graduate student status. If you have not completed the prerequisites at the time you apply, you can either take them before arriving at Ithaca College or, in some instances, while studying at Ithaca College. 

Recommendation letters2 required, 1 additional letter for assistantship
TestingGRE optional. International students without English as their primary language must take the TOEFL or similar test for English language proficiency.

Non-Ithaca College Students: An official electronic transcript from each college or university attended should be sent to by the registrar using the sending institution’s secure electronic submission system. Transcripts sent from a personal email are not official. If an official electronic transcript cannot be provided, an official paper transcript may be sent to:
Ithaca College
Office of Admission
953 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

Current Ithaca College Undergraduate Students: Your Ithaca College transcript will be provided to the Office of Admission automatically. However, you must request official transcripts from any other collegiate institutions you have attended, regardless of whether you received college credit from those institutions. 

Application fee

Non-Ithaca College Students: $40

Current Ithaca College Students: The application fee is waived.