Michael Smith

Professor, History
School: School of Humanities and Sciences


  • How the story of progress is implicated in the climate crisis (ongoing)
  • Fulbright-funded environmental history of Sabana Grande, Nicaragua (ongoing)
  • An environmental history of transoceanic canal schemes in Nicaragua (ongoing)
  • A book project on the history of the organized summer camp movement in American culture (ongoing)--work featured in this Summer 2024 story in Atlas Obscura
  • The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: During the 2005-06 academic year I was a Carnegie Scholar at the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL).  This work resulted in Citizenship Across the Curriculum (Indiana University Press, 2010), a volume I contributed to (see below) and co-edited with Rebecca Nowacek of Marquette University and Jeff Bernstein of Eastern Michigan University. (completed)
  • Another SoTL project, "Untangling the Web of Historical Thinking," involved an examination of learning through the evolution of student-produced wikis for a problem-based history assignment.  This project was partially funded by an NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant. (completed)
  • The environmental history of photographic chemicals