Who's Calling Me?

The Ithaca College Annual Fund’s Phonathon program is a vital connection point with our community of alumni, parents, and friends of the college.

What is Phonathon?

The Phonathon program plays a vital role in Ithaca College’s success. Under the guidance of the Philanthropy & Engagement Relations Office, we employ around 25-30 students and provide them with training to call alumni, parents, and friends of the college. Our goals include updating contact details, collecting employment data, fostering relationships, and raising funds for Ithaca College. Your support directly contributes to enhancing technology, student services, and other features that define our exceptional college.

Why Do We Have Students Working for Phonathon?

Our students at Ithaca College truly care and are enthusiastic about our institution. They recognize the critical role that the Phonathon program plays in maintaining the college’s strength. Funds raised during Phonathon support scholarships, basic operations, and special campus projects. When students work at Phonathon, they not only enhance their interpersonal communication skills, but also make a difference and earn spending money. Engaging with alumni allows them to discuss favorite professors and even explore networking opportunities for internships or jobs after graduation. Next time you see Ithaca College calling, consider taking a few minutes to connect with a fellow Bomber—our students would love to hear about your IC experience!

Why Is It So Important to Give Back?

Your active participation sends a powerful message to former classmates, fellow alumni, and potential students and donors. The funds contribute to research, scholarships, and other essential initiatives. Join us in making a difference for Ithaca College!

About the Job.

Joining this program offers a fantastic chance to earn money, gain valuable experience, and become part of a supportive team. All training will be provided. The experience you’ll gain includes professional growth, increased confidence, knowledge about Ithaca College, insights into philanthropy, and the development of essential transferable skills such as verbal communication, leadership, teamwork, time management, and negotiation. Additionally, you’ll have networking opportunities to connect with others.

If you’ve recently received a call from (607) 274-3444, chances are it was one of our student callers right here on campus! When you see ‘Ithaca College’ on your caller ID, why not take a few minutes to chat with a fellow Bomber? Our students would be thrilled to hear about your IC journey!

Can’t talk right now?

Make your gift online! Your generosity has a direct impact on today’s students and those of tomorrow.


Ithaca College Annual Fund
Office Hours: Monday-Friday; 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ET