The mission of the Handwerker Gallery is to enhance the academic offerings of Ithaca College with a diverse range of scholarly exhibitions, lectures, colloquia, and events in its role as a pedagogical resource. In exploring the various meanings inherent in art and artifacts, the Gallery collects preserves, protects, displays, and interprets objects of aesthetic, cultural, and intellectual significance.

Exhibitions are coordinated with attention to the needs of the faculty, students, and staff at Ithaca College, as well as the interests of the larger Ithaca and Finger Lakes communities.

The Gallery provides an outlet for creative work and intellectual discourse for students and faculty in diverse programs across campus, including Art, Art History, and Architecture; Cinema and Photography; Theatre Arts; and Writing. In addition, the Gallery directly supports the teaching of Art History at the College through experiential learning as part of a gallery-based interdisciplinary educational experience that strengthens the College’s distinctive Humanities program. 

The Handwerker Gallery respectfully acknowledges that we are located on unceded traditional lands of the Cayuga Nation, members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, who have stewarded this land for generations. This land was unlawfully taken by New York State after a treaty was made between the Six Nations and General George Washington in 1779, which granted sovereignty to the Haudenosaunee Nation within its lands. As members of the Ithaca College Community, we actively recognize that the lingering consequences of settler colonialism continue to reverberate to this day.*

* Established 12/2022 by Handwerker Gallery Student Staff, subject to periodic revision as appropriate.

Class Visits

Visits for classes and community members for all Handwerker Gallery exhibitions are free during regular hours of operation. Classes are welcome to visit the Gallery on an impromptu basis with or without structured activity plans, but may not host recurring classes or events without prior approval from the Director.  The Gallery is available to faculty seeking enriching opportunities to work visits into existing curricula.  Faculty and student organizations are encouraged to reach out to the Director to implement these kinds of interactions.  Exclusive use of the space can only be ensured when classes and groups reserve the Gallery in advance.

Please book your tour or group visit as far in advance as possible.  With two weeks' notice the Handwerker Gallery can usually accommodate classes that meet on Tuesdays or outside of our regular hours.  Please contact the Director to schedule a tour or reserve the Gallery for your group visit.

Get Involved!

Student employment, Volunteer, and Internship Opportunities

A range of paid positions and credited internships are available for enthusiastic students at the Handwerker Gallery. Possibilities include developing exhibitions and events, managing collections, leading tours and educational programs, marketing the Gallery and its activities, and photographing events.  All of these opportunities provide important professional experience not only in gallery and museum work, but also in the fields of business, education, administration, and public relations.  

Spring 2025 Handwerker Gallery staff: 

Isabelle Ackerman, Caitlyn Argo, Nyx Bhatt, Abby Costa, Rua Fay, Lee Kreshtool, Meghan Macsuga, Flora Pierson , Madison Purslow , Angie Riel, Chloe WiederhornIsabelle Ackerman, Caitlyn Argo, Nyx Bhatt, Abby Costa, Rua Fay, Lee Kreshtool, Meghan Macsuga, Flora Pierson , Madison Purslow , Angie Riel, Chloe Wiederhorn 

The Gallery Director is Paul Nicholson ( and the Preparator is Leanna Yatcilla.

The Handwerker Gallery accepts applications for Student Monitors and Student Assistants in April and November of each year for the next academic semester. For more information about jobs and/or credited internships email the Director ( for more information.