The Office of ICare and Student Support

The Office of ICare and Student Support is tasked with overseeing the ICare referral process as well as meeting with many of the students referred to ICare. The ICare and Student Support staff is also a part of the ICare Team.

Danni Klein

Care Manager, ICare and Student Support

Emmy LoBrutto

Assistant Director, ICare and Student Support

Rebecca Cogan Carroll

Director, ICare and Student Support, ICare and Student Support

Joelle Albertsman

Program Coordinator, ICare and Student Support

Tahlia Hanna-Martinez

Care Manager, ICare and Student Support

ICare Team Members

The ICare team is a group of IC staff members that meet weekly to discuss student concerns and how to best serve and support the students referred to ICare.

Marsha Dawson

Dean of Students, Student Affairs and Campus Life

Brian Petersen

Director, CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services)

Michelle Goode

Director, Health Promotion, Health Promotion

Thomas Dunn

Director and Deputy Chief, Public Safety & Emergency Management

Beth O'Neill

Associate Director, Residential Life and Judicial Affairs

Ian Moore

Director, Student Accessibility Services

Dawn Kline

Associate Dean, Business

Linda Koenig

Director of Title IX Compliance and ADA/504 Coordinator, Legal Affairs

Luca Maurer

Executive Director for Student Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, Student Equity and Belonging

Samantha Shaffer

Associate Director, Student Conduct and Community Standards