Peggy Ryan Williams—Ithaca College's Seventh President

Though she formally retired in 2008—upon which time she was named president emerita and awarded an honorary doctor of letters degree—Peggy R. Williams continues to demonstrate the leadership in and commitment to the causes of higher education and women’s leadership, which were the hallmarks of her 36-year career.
Public Remarks
Read President Williams' commencement and convocation speeches, as well as interviews and other public remarks.
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Tenure at Ithaca College
New buildings, new academic programs, a "day of service" and more were part of Peggy Williams' time as president of IC.
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Full Résumé
Explore Peggy R. Williams' education, leadership experience, awards, and professional activities and service.
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Ithaca College Icons

As part of the college’s 125th Celebration in 2017, students, faculty, staff, alumni were asked reflect on IC’s last 125 years and nominate their favorite Ithaca College icons.

Hundreds of nominations poured in including memorable professors, coaches, staffers, landmarks, and traditions passed down from one generation of students to the next – capturing what makes IC great. 

IC’s top 25 icons were unveiled at the Community Celebration, part of the 125th Weekend. The Saturday evening event was attended by more than 3,000 people. The icons were also included on the 125th website and featured as part of a special edition of ICView.

line art of Peggy Williams IC icon

An Ithaca College Icon

Peggy R. Williams, IC’s seventh and first female president, was selected as one of Ithaca College’s icons. She was one of five individuals, and the only woman, to be selected.  Williams brought a new level of collaboration to campus, working actively with faculty and students to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. Under her leadership, the college established initiatives such as the Martin Luther King Scholar Program, The Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE), and the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services.