International Travel Guidance

Ithaca College would like you to know what we are doing, and what you can do, to make your international travel as safe as possible.


Ithaca College has a Comprehensive Emergency Response Team in place to respond in the case of challenging situations at home and abroad.  If you are an Ithaca College employee and have registered with the College for a study abroad program or international travel, the College will be in touch to confirm your safety in the event of an incident occurring in the world region in which you are registered.  We ask that you please take the time to respond to any such communications promptly.


Ithaca College's Travel Policy prohibits the use of college funds to support travel to a country or region with a level 4 travel advisory designation by the U.S. State Department with the exception of level 4 related to COVID-19 (see additional explanation). If you are traveling to a country that has a level 4 designation, you must submit a request for an exception to the travel warning policy to the Office of International Programs and Extended Studies. 

For more information, please see the following:

Register your Travel
  • Are you an ITHACA COLLEGE EMPLOYEE traveling internationally?
    Ithaca College asks all faculty and staff traveling internationally on official College business to register their travel on this site
  • Are you advising an ITHACA COLLEGE STUDENT who is planning to travel internationally on a college-related experience and have questions about how they should register their experience? Please don't hesitate to contact us.


If you have questions or concerns about international travel,
please do not hesitate to contact us.