The Career Center offers additional services!

Career Closet

Career Closet

CCED's career closet was created in 2018 to help address equity issues by ensuring that every student has access to professional clothing attire. Available in a variety of styles and sizes, each item is donated in good condition, dry-cleaned, and available to borrow. We offer suits, ties, dress shoes, and more!

No appointment necessary, drop-in during office hours, M-F from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM.

Photo Booth

Photo Booth

Make an appointment to take a professional headshot in the Photo Bomber!

Need a LinkedIn picture or a new headshot for an online portfolio? Take a free headshot by scheduling an appointment here: If this link does not work, log into Handshake with your Ithaca credentials, click on "Career Center", click on "Appointments", click on "Schedule A New Appointment" and select the appointment type you are looking for. 

Interview Room

Interview Room

The Career Center offers a private interview room!

If you are looking for a private, quiet space to hold a phone or virtual interview, you can book an appointment to use the interview space. Technology or digital equipment is not provided, but there are outlets for you to bring your own devices. Book the space here: If this link does not work, log into Handshake with your Ithaca credentials, click on "Career Center", click on "Appointments", click on "Schedule A New Appointment" and select the appointment type you are looking for.

Appointments and Drop-Ins

If you have never visited the Career Center and you're looking for a quick meeting to discuss a career-related topic, consider our Drop-In Hours (M-F from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM). 

We also offer appointments with professional staff members! 

To learn more about Drop-Ins and Appointments, follow the link below.