Discover the Perfect Addition to Your Recruitment Strategy

Thank you for your interest in recruiting our talented students and alumni.

Developing and nurturing employer relationships is a top priority at CCED. Our goal is to provide a wide range of recruiting opportunities coupled with excellent customer service in a welcoming environment. Below are some excellent ways to connect with our students and alumni. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, or want to think outside the box? No problem! Contact us to discuss how we can best accommodate your visit!

Give us a call! We would like to spend a few minutes to discuss your recruiting needs, ideas for connecting with our students, and answer any questions you may have about our students!

We look forward to working with you!

(607) 274-3365


Handshake is our online job/internship platform – the first resource students and alumni are routed to when searching for jobs, internships, fellowships, and volunteer opportunities.

Employers are strongly encouraged to create a FREE account with Ithaca College so that opportunities will be more widely distributed. (To create an account, see Handshake How-To )