Pathways & JED Campus Trainings: Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention

Pathways is a mental health crisis and suicide prevention and intervention program offered by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). The goal of Pathways is to reduce the incidence of crises by building knowledge, confidence, and skills to help you:

  • Identify a potential mental health crisis
  • Initiate a conversation with someone at risk
  • Ask directly about suicidal thoughts
  • Make referrals to appropriate resources

JED-related Trainings include You Can Help a Friend and You Can Help a Student workshops focus on helping students, peers, and faculty/staff identify students in distress and offer ways to effectively intervene and help a student access crisis or supportive resources. 

Requests for department trainings or student organizations are welcome. To request Pathways workshop, fill out our Interview, Outreach, and Workshops request form. You can also email CAPS with questions or to inquire about training dates.