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Tech Spaces

IC Public Computer labs

There are more than 30 computer labs on campus, both general-access public labs and program-specific specialty labs with specialized software that meet the needs of specific courses.

Computer labs are open at various times and schedules are generally posted on each lab door. The main public labs including the Library and Friends 110 are staffed by a lab consultant who can answer basic hardware, software and printing questions.

Hours for the main public labs can be found below.

  • Hardware
    Computer labs are equipped with Mac and/or Windows computers and may also have printers, scanners or other equipment. The public labs have ResNet connections for personal laptops, are equipped with wireless access, and have scanners available.
  • Software
    IT supports a wide variety of software for word processing, spreadsheets, database management, presentations, desktop publishing, conferencing, email, and browsing the Web. There is a standard IC lab software bundle included on lab computers. Additional specialized software is available in many labs.
  • Printing
    Student accessible printers are located acoss campus.  A full listing of student accessible printers can be found here.   Each semester all students are provided with an allocation of printing funds - details of student printing costs can be found here
    Students are strongly encouraged to think about sustainability when printing and only print what is necessary. Duplex printing is the default setting for most labs. Color printing, poster printing, laminating, binding and more services are available through the Center for Print Production.


The IC Makerspace is a collaborative work space used for making, learning, exploring and sharing while utilizing a range of high tech to no tech tools. Come Explore, Learn and Create!  

educational Technology center

The Educational Technology Center, located in Job 102 and 103, offers support to assist students and faculty in the exploration, learning, and design of immersive and educational technology and media.