Important Communications
Academic Year 24-25
Spring 2025 Events and Reminders Dear Colleagues,
Welcome back from what we hope was a restful winter break, and we are excited to begin the spring 2025 semester alongside you. We are sharing below a few announcements and reminders:
Mark Your Calendars
Please reserve time on your calendars to attend these important all-college events occurring in late winter/early spring:
- Tuesday, February 11 from 12:10 - 1:05pm in Emerson Suites. State of the College meeting
- Wednesday, February 12 from 12:00 - 2:00pm in Taughannock Falls, Provost's Colloquium
- Tuesday, March 4 from 12:00 - 2:00pm in Clark Lounge, Provost's Colloquium
- Monday, March 24 at 5:30pm, Emerson Suites, Spring Phi Kappa Phi Induction Ceremony
- Tuesday, March 25 from 12:10 - 1:05pm in Klingenstein. All Faculty Meeting
- Wednesday, April 23 from 9:00 - 4:00pm. Whalen Symposium
Schedule Grid for Fall Courses
As noted in a January 6 email, we have a new scheduling grid for undergraduate classes. Fall 2025 courses will employ this grid as much as possible, though there may be circumstances (as always) which require an exception. Requests for exceptions will be submitted by department chairs for review by their dean’s office and the office of the registrar.
Attend a Formal Promotion Workshop
These question-and-answer workshops are offered for faculty to ask any questions about the formal promotion and/or tenure processes. The next workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 1 from 3:00 – 4:30pm in the Ithaca Falls room; prospective candidates for Promotion to Associate or Full Professor, prospective candidates for tenure, and faculty who would be providing guidance to candidates are especially encouraged to attend (though all faculty are welcome). A second workshop will be offered Wednesday, April 30 from 3:00 – 4:30pm in the Taughannock Falls room, with faculty who will be serving on a review committee especially encouraged to attend (though again all faculty will be welcome). We'll also offer a session explaining how to use OnBoard (the platform for formal promotion and/or tenure files) in May, date/time TBD.
Offer a Summer Sessions Course
The Office of Extended Studies is soliciting courses for the summer sessions soon with proposals due in time to allow for Chair and Dean review prior to the course proposal submission deadline of Monday, February 24. Please speak with your department chair if you are interested in offering a course during summer session. We are especially interested in offering undergraduate courses that assist students with making progress on major or minor degree requirements, ICC coursework, or other elective courses that generate high demand.
Student Statement Dates
Student statements for Block 1 courses will open on Monday, March 3 and close on Monday, March 17. Student statements for Block 2 and full semester courses will open on Monday, April 28 and close on Thursday, May 8.
Textbook Adoptions for Summer and Fall Courses
The deadline for textbook adoptions for Summer and Fall courses will be Sunday, April 6. A reminder about this will be included in the mid-semester message. Before submitting orders, we encourage you to search the Ithaca College Library’s collections to learn whether IC owns digital copies of any text(s) you plan to require. Access to electronic course materials already owned by the Library may help achieve additional savings for our students.
Best wishes for the start of a new semester!
Melanie I. Stein, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Chris McNamara, Associate Provost, Graduate and Professional Studies
Brendan Murday, Associate Provost, Faculty Affairs
Stacia Zabusky, Associate Provost, Academic Programs
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that we are ready to begin the course scheduling process for fall 2025 semester using a new scheduling grid for undergraduate classes. As a part of the strategic planning process, IC identified the development of a new grid which would accommodate most, or at least significantly more, of our undergraduate classes during the fall and spring semesters, as an objective. The goal is to reduce conflicts and barriers for students, making it more possible for them to take full advantage of the curriculum across the College.
Our faculty working group built upon the efforts of many colleagues across campus who have worked on this project since 2019, including two previous committees/working groups. Data analysis, benchmarking, collective wisdom, as well as conversations with numerous stakeholders, have all informed the development of the new grid, and we thank everyone who participated.
The registrar’s office will begin the solicitation of fall schedules shortly and fall 2025 classes should be scheduled according to the new grid. Although we hope to have as many courses as possible scheduled according to the grid and its guidelines, there may be circumstances (as always) which require an exception. Requests for exceptions will be submitted by department chairs for review by their dean’s offices.
Fall 2024 Schedule Grid Working Group
Ainsley Anderson, Assistant Professor, Theatre Production and Management, MTD
Jessye Cohen-Filipic, Associate Professor, Psychology, H&S
Stu Fegley, Scheduling Coordinator, Registrar
Jean Hardwick, Professor, Biology, H&S
Jennifer Iglthaler, Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy, HSHP
Jennifer Kay, Associate Professor, Music Performance, MTD
Deborah King, Professor, Exercise Science and Athletic Training, HSHP
Vikki Levine, Registrar
Shaianne Osterreich, Professor, Economics, H&S
Margaret Shackell, Associate Professor, Accounting and Business Law, Business
Melanie Stein, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Stacia Zabusky, Associate Provost, Academic Programs
Invitation to Join a Schedule Grid Listening Session In September, the provost's office convened a faculty working group to work on a revision of the schedule grid that will accommodate four-credit as well as three-credit classes and will meet the needs of students and faculty across campus.
The group has met throughout the fall semester, considered multiple versions of a revised grid, and as our last step, we seek input from our colleagues on a proposal that we think addresses multiple concerns, incorporates a wide variety of disciplinary pedagogies, and is feasible to implement. Please join us at an upcoming listening session to hear more and share your perspective.
Listening Session Dates, Times, Location:
Tuesday, December 10, 12:10-1:05 pm, Klingenstein Lounge
Wednesday, December 11, 4:00-5:00 pm, Taughannock FallsThank you for your interest, and we look forward to seeing you at one of the sessions.
Fall 2024 Schedule Grid Working Group
Ainsley Anderson, Assistant Professor, Theatre Production and Management
Jessye Cohen-Filipic, Associate Professor, Psychology
Stu Fegely, Scheduling Coordinator, Registrar
Jean Hardwick, Professor, Biology
Jennifer Iglthaler, Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy
Jennifer Kay, Associate Professor, Music Performance
Deborah King, Professor, Exercise Science and Athletic Training
Vikki Levine, Registrar
Shaianne Osterreich, Professor, Economics
Margaret Shackell, Associate Professor, Accounting and Business Law
Melanie Stein, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Stacia Zabusky, Associate Provost, Academic Programs -
End of Semester Reminders Dear Faculty Colleagues,
As we draw to the close of a busy fall semester, I want to thank each of you for the robust academic experience you have provided to our students throughout this semester.
Please take a minute to read through some very important reminders regarding the end of the semester and steps to prepare for the upcoming spring and summer semesters:
Final Examinations, Grade Submission, and Student Statements
Final examinations are scheduled from Thursday, December 12 through Tuesday, December 17 in their scheduled classrooms at the published examination times. If you have any concerns about your scheduled exam space, please reach out to no later than 48 hours prior to your exam meeting to request possible reassignment to a different space. Final grades are due in HomerConnect no later than Sunday, December 22 by 5:00 p.m. Please refer to this Intercom post from the Registrar for important dates and information related to grade submission and completion of academic standing. Full-semester and Block 2 student statement surveys will open on Monday December 2 and close on Thursday December 12, to ensure that students cannot continue to submit student statements after course grades start to become visible to students. Results will be automatically distributed via email on December 26.
Spring Semester Preparation
Spring 2025 Textbook Orders and Akademos: If you have not finalized Spring 2025 information about course materials in the Akademos system, please take a moment to log in, review your spring courses (and winter courses if you are teaching during the winter session), and ensure that your information has been fully submitted. If no course materials are required for your course(s), please make sure that is indicated in Akademos as well.
Spring Course Reserves: Library staff are now accepting course reserve requests for Spring 2025; if you have any questions, please write Reserve requests are processed in the order they are received; submitting requests at least two weeks before the start of the semester is strongly encouraged. More information is coming from the Library via Intercom.
Spring Syllabus Guidelines: Syllabus guidelines are available at this link, where you will find a variety of documents, including a template document that contains all required elements as well as additional, optional inserts you may want to incorporate. There have been no changes to any of these elements since the start of the fall semester, but if you have not compared recently your syllabus against the language for the required elements, please do so to ensure your syllabus conforms to the current required language and disclosures.
Summer Sessions Teaching
Teaching Continuing Students During Summer Sessions I and II: It’s not too early to start thinking about offering an undergraduate course during the summer sessions! We are especially interested in offering undergraduate courses that assist students with making progress on major or minor degree requirements, ICC coursework, or other elective courses that generate high demand. We will be soliciting interest in summer coursework when we return from break and plan to complete our rosters in early February. Please take some time during winter break to consider the opportunity and be on the lookout for information posted to intercom in January.
Teaching Incoming First Year Students During Summer Session II: We are planning to offer IC Advantage during the July summer session specifically for our incoming first-year students. This program operates during summer session two and includes two one-credit foundational courses and many deep-dive courses. If you have a passion for teaching, supporting, and making connections with our first-year students, as well as instilling a feeling of belonging in our first-year students, please reach out to so that we can connect with you as we finalize plans for those courses.
Teaching High School Students in the Summer Pre-College Program: We are seeking faculty interested in teaching a three-week course (July 07 – July 25, 2025) for our Summer College for High School Students. Classes are typically 10-15 students and should be taught at the introductory level on a topic in the faculty's field/area of specialization. See the Intercom post for more details or reach out to Joslyn Brenton, Faculty Director, at to express interest.
International Travel with Students
The Office of International Programs invites faculty to submit proposals for faculty-led, college-sponsored international travel with students. If you would like to propose a program, more information is available at this link. Please be mindful of the long (roughly one year) lead time for approval so early preparation is essential.
Deadlines are as follows:
- For Winter 2026 programs: proposal due by January 31, 2025
- For Spring Break 2026 programs: proposal due by March 1, 2025
- For Summer 2026 programs: proposal due by May 31, 2025
We are particularly interested in short-term programs that take advantage of the Ithaca College London Center during the summer between late May and early July (please note that the Center is not available for programming mid-July through early August to prepare for the incoming Fall cohort of students.
Upcoming Events
Provost’s Colloquium, Wednesday Dec 4, 12:00 – 1:00, Clark Lounge
December Commencement, Sunday Dec 15, 10:00, A&ESincerely,
Melanie I. Stein, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Chris McNamara, Associate Provost
Brendan Murday, Associate Provost
Stacia Zabusky, Associate Provost -
Farewell to Stacia Zabusky and Call for Associate Provost for Academic Programs Stacia Zabusky, the Associate Provost for Academic Programs, will be retiring from Ithaca College at the end of the 2024-2025 academic year. Stacia has been a member of the Ithaca College community since 1995, when Dr. Zabusky began her career as a faculty member in the Department of Anthropology, the same year her book Launching Europe: An Ethnography of Cooperation in European Space Science was published by Princeton University Press. She joined the dean’s office in the School of Humanities and Sciences as associate dean in 2006, where she expertly supported H&S department chairs and faculty in all curricular matters across a broad set of disciplines, including implementation of the ICC. In addition, Stacia established the H&S Summer Scholars Program, which provides students across all H&S disciplines the opportunity to engage in faculty-mentored research projects, a program that continues to thrive today. Her significant contributions to H&S were recognized in 2021 with her promotion to senior associate dean for curriculum and undergraduate programs. In July of 2022 she assumed her current role as associate provost.
It is difficult to capture the breadth and depth of Stacia’s contributions during her thirty-year career. In Stacia’s time at the College, she has served on numerous all-college committees, including APC, the Provost’s Task Force on Revising the ICC, the All-College Academic Assessment Committee, and as Co-chair of the Ithaca Forever Action Group exploring a common schedule. From 2012-2019, she served as Chair of the Ithaca College All College Teacher Education Committee (ACTEC), during which time she developed robust and consistent administrative processes, created a culture of collaboration across schools, and led a network of campus and community stakeholders through a successful National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education self-study process and site visit. Starting in 2020, she co-chaired the Curriculum Revision Liaison Committee with Associate Provost Jeane Copenhaver-Johnson, supporting and guiding schools and departments across the college as they undertook a comprehensive curricular revision. After transitioning to the provost’s office, Stacia continued to lead the curricular revision process, successfully coordinating this complex college-wide effort, liaising between the academic departments, school curricular committees, the APC, and NYSED. She has worked tirelessly to clarify policies and improve procedures. She led the development of a credit hour policy for the campus and the implementation, in 2023, of the new first-year student summer preregistration process. In addition, over the past year and a half she has skillfully shepherded us through the Middle States Self-Study process. Her deep knowledge of the college curriculum, as well as her familiarity and experience with issues of assessment and accreditation, and her dedication to strengthening Ithaca College, will be missed, and there will be opportunities to celebrate and wish her well before she departs.
Given Stacia’s departure, the Office of the Provost is now seeking applicants for the position of Associate Provost for Academic Programs, to begin in the summer of 2025. The successful candidate will have primary responsibility for undergraduate academic program planning, assessment, and review, and will work in close collaboration with the associate provost for graduate and professional studies on similar matters impacting those programs. This individual serves as the compliance officer for academic programs, with respect to state and federal regulations, as well as the college’s liaison to our accrediting organization, Middle States. Additional responsibilities include providing supervisory oversight for relevant offices and college-wide academic programs and participating in committees or other groups as assigned by the provost. This individual must effectively collaborate with the other associate provosts, relevant college offices, and faculty staff/committees across campus to implement strategic plan initiatives, administer programs, and provide academic and faculty affairs recommendations to the provost as appropriate. Alongside the other associate provosts, this individual may be asked to assume responsibility for oversight of the Division of Academic Affairs in the absence of the provost.
Qualifications: An earned terminal degree and extensive academic and administrative experience at the college or university level; experience with policy and curriculum development; extensive knowledge of best practices, current issues, and future trends in education; proven ability to provide leadership in a culture that values collegial decision-making; ability to work successfully with diverse individuals and groups and the ability to represent the College effectively with internal and external constituencies; excellent organizational, interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills are required.
Application Process
Internal applications from current faculty are welcome, and faculty with questions about the position should feel free to contact Provost Melanie Stein at or Associate Provost Stacia Zabusky at Interested applicants must apply online and attach a resume, cover letter, and list of three professional references. Questions about online applications should be directed to the Office of Human Resources at (607) 274-8000 or To ensure full consideration, applications should be completed by close of business on Dec 13, 2024. -
Dear Colleagues,
A few updates for you as you return from fall break:
Mid-term Grades
A reminder that mid-term grades are due by 10pm on Wednesday October 23.Winter/Spring Course Registration and Advising
Winter course registration begins on Monday November 4. The Spring 2025 schedule will be viewable in Homer at noon on October 21; Spring course registration begins on Tuesday November 5. We encourage academic advisors to meet with advisees in advance of course registration.Textbook Adoptions
Please complete all Winter and Spring textbook adoptions in Akademos [] by Monday November 4. Completing textbook adoptions by this date is critical to ensure that students with limited financial resources can take advantage of textbook-dedicated financial support, in addition to ensuring compliance with federal requirements that we are transparent with students about prospective educational costs. It can be challenging to think about next semester while we’re in the midst of the present one, but please carve out some time for this since it directly helps students with limited resources! As a reminder, if you have courses for which students are not required to purchase any materials, that too is information that needs to be entered in Akademos.Important Dates
Timetables for formal reviews, sabbatical applications, and emeritus/a recommendations are published online. Some other dates of note:Sabbatical application deadline: Fri Nov 1 Honorary Degree nomination deadline: Sun Nov 3 Textbook ordering deadline for Winter and/or Spring: Mon Nov 4 Winter course registration begins for students: Mon Nov 4 Spring course registration begins for students: Tues Nov 5 Student Statements for full-semester and Block 2 courses open. Mon Dec 2 Student Statements for full-semester and Block 2 courses close. Thur Dec 12
Upcoming Events
State of the College Tues Oct 22, noon hour, Emerson Suites Formal Promotion Q&A for faculty Wed Oct 30, 3:00 – 4:00, Ithaca Falls Room Phi Kappa Phi Fall Awards and Induction Tues Nov 12, 5:00, Haines Forum Provost’s Colloquium Wed Nov 13, 4:00 – 5:30, Clark Lounge Oracle Honor Society Induction Tues Nov 19, 5:00, Emerson Suites Provost’s Colloquium Wed Dec 4, 12:00 – 1:30, Clark Lounge December Commencement Sun Dec 15, 10:00, Glazer Arena, Athletics and Event Center Thanks for everything you do!
Melanie Stein, Provost
Chris McNamara, Associate Provost
Brendan Murday, Associate Provost
Stacia Zabusky, Associate Provost -
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to be beginning another academic year together on campus!
We have a few quick academic-related updates for you in advance of the all-college welcome on Tuesday, August 27th (during the noon hour in Emerson Suites):
Academic Catalog Update: The AY24-25 catalog has a new organization, with three sections:
I: College Wide Academic Policies and Procedures (new!)
II: Undergraduate
III: GraduateThe new first section consolidates redundant policies that were repeated in the undergraduate and graduate sections of the catalog and also duplicated in the college Policy Manual. This revision creates one section for academic policies impacting all students at the college. Academic policies listed in the academic catalog are no longer included in the Policy Manual, in order to prevent misalignment of approved policies. Significantly for faculty, the college Attendance Policy now is on a dedicated page in the catalog, as is a condensed version of the updated credit hour policy (the full policy is available on the Provost’s Faculty Resources page). As part of this revision, we have renamed and reorganized some subsections. These are also now listed in alphabetical order, to simplify searching within a section of the catalog.
Implementation of updated credit hour policy. The office of the registrar collaborated with the office of the provost during the summer to implement the new credit hour policy in Banner and the semester schedule. Guidance about how to implement the new Instructional Methods and Meeting Types has been shared with dean’s offices as they organize the spring 2025 schedule. Faculty can find definitions and other information on the Faculty Resources page provided by the Office of the Registrar. Guidelines: As always, on the Provost’s Faculty Resources page, you can find updated syllabus guidelines. This includes links to: college policy about required elements on a syllabus; a syllabus template in Word to support development of complete syllabi; guidelines for how to incorporate Credit Hour Expectations and Time Spent into the syllabus (a required element since 2023); current health and safety statement; a Title IX insert refreshed on August 14th; and optional statements on Generative AI Usage. Please take a moment to review these materials and to make sure your current syllabi incorporate updated information (links and contact information have changed in the refreshed template!). In this way, you can help ensure that our students receive consistent information across all coursework they complete at the college.
Attendance Policy: The Ithaca College attendance policy can be found on this dedicated catalog page. It is also available in its entirety within the syllabus template. We would like to highlight that students must be excused from class or examinations:
- on days that conflict with religious beliefs, in which case the faculty member is responsible for providing the student with an opportunity to make up the work missed, and the absence does not count towards any instructor-established maximum absence policy for the class
- for family or individual health emergencies, and to appear in a court of law
- to participate in local, state, or federal elections.
Emergent Collaborative Inquiry series. The Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (CEIB) and the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) are continuing a series designed to create a place for faculty conversations about emergent topics that affect us as educators. The next Emergent Collaborative Inquiry will focus on how to facilitate difficult conversations/moments in class. Keep an eye out for events in this series.
Canvas advising sites.Beginning with the Fall 2024 semester all advisors have an Academic Advising site in Canvas. The course site provides a space for advisors to share resources, post Announcements or send messages with Inbox, and invite students to set an appointment using Scheduler. The Academic Advising site builds consistency for students across the college, meeting the request of both students and faculty to have academic advising resources in one space and on a familiar platform.
As a reminder, the Academic Advising site is not a replacement for Degreeworks and the Student Success Dashboard. Please continue to put all advising, student contact notes, and information in Degreeworks.
If you have any questions, feedback, or need support with the Academic Advising site in Canvas, please contact Matthew Clauhs, Co-Director, Center for Faculty Excellence ( or Jenna Linskens, Director, Center for Instructional Design & Educational Technology (
Textbook portal opens for Winter and/or Spring adoptions Sept 10 APC deadline for program revision proposals requiring NYSED submission, for publication in Fall 2025 catalog Wed. September 11 Block 1 student statement dates Mon Oct 7 opens for students; Mon Oct 14 closes for students; Oct 22 results distributed to faculty Dana Professor applications: Oct 15 Midterm grades due Oct 23 APC deadline for program revision proposals that do not require NYSED submission, for publication in Fall 2025 catalog Oct 24
Honorary Degree nominations:
Nov 1
Sabbatical applications:
Nov 1 Deadline for textbook orders for Winter and/or Spring: Nov 4 Winter course registration begins for students: Nov 5 Spring course registration begins for students: Nov 5 Full-semester and Block 2 student statement dates Mon Dec 2 opens for students; Thur Dec 12 closes for students; Dec 26 results distributed to faculty APC deadline for all other curriculum proposals for publication in Fall 2025 catalog January 22
Upcoming Events
All College Welcome Aug 27 12:00pm, Emerson Suites College Ice Cream Social Aug 27 4:00pm, Dillingham Fountains All-Faculty Meeting Sep 26 12:10pm, Klingenstein Lounge Provost Colloquium Oct 15 4:00pm, Clark Lounge State of the College Oct 22 12:10pm, Emerson Suites Phi Kappa Phi Fall Awards and Induction Nov 12 5:00pm, Haines Forum Provost Colloquium Nov 13 4:00pm, Clark Lounge Oracle Honor Society Induction Nov 19 5:00pm, Emerson Suites Provost Colloquium Dec 4 12:00pm, Clark Lounge December Commencement Dec 15 10:00am, A&E Glazer Arena We are looking forward to seeing you at the first all-college faculty meeting and best wishes for the start of a new semester!
Melanie Stein, Provost
Chris McNamara, Associate Provost
Brendan Murday, Associate Provost
Stacia Zabusky, Associate Provost -
Dear Ithaca College Community,
On behalf of the Academic Calendar Committee, we are pleased to announce the academic calendars for the 2025-2026 academic year. The committee has thoroughly reviewed multiple versions of the calendar and has unanimously recommended the following versions for the Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 semesters to the provost who has accepted the recommendation.
Based on the recommendation of the task force on antisemitism and hate symbols, which considered feedback from students and explored various academic calendars in the area, the academic calendar has been adjusted to ensure that no classes will be held for the two religious holidays: Yom Kippur and Eid al Fitr.
Fall 2025 Calendar Highlights:
Thursday classes will be held, Tuesday, September 30
Friday classes will be held, Wednesday, October 1
Fall Break and Yom Kippur will be observed Thursday, October 2 and Friday, October 3, no classes.
No reading day will be held as there is a weekend between final exams beginning and ending.
Spring 2026 Calendar:
Spring Break and Eid al Fitr will be observed Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 20, no classes.
Term begins on a Tuesday, no April Break will be held.
Tuesday, April 7, no classes for attendance and participation in the Whalen Symposium.
No reading day will be held as there is a weekend between final exams beginning and ending.
We have also adopted the recommendation from the task force to include a set of important religious holidays that will be listed on the academic calendar to raise awareness for everyone using the calendar. (As an example of this practice, please refer to the Ithaca School District Calendar).
- Easter, Christmas, Good Friday
- Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Passover
- Eid al Fitr, Eid al Adha
- Diwali, Holi
- Lunar New Year
- Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox
- Kwanzaa
The calendar can be found at
Best regards,
Melanie I. Stein, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Vikki Levine, Registrar

The academic deans of each of our five schools celebrating the class of 2028 at this years convocation ceremony!
From left to right: (Dean Falkner, Dean Gleitman, Interim Deans Loubriel and TenEyck, Dean Johnson-Cramer, and Dean Moylan)