Petition and Complaint Processes

Ithaca College Policy Manual, Volume VII – Policies for Students: contains policies and procedures that relate to student life at Ithaca College. Subjects include, but are not limited to, student leaves, student code of conduct, financial issues, and study abroad.

Students are encouraged to take concerns directly to the person or office where the event or circumstances occurred, attempting to resolve them with the staff member involved or, if that is unsuccessful, the staff member's supervisor.

In addition to the informal process described above, several formal complaints and petition processes are available to students. If you are uncertain which process below is appropriate, please consult with your Dean's Office for advice.

The college officials responsible for responding to complaints in each area annually review what complaints have been received to determine where modifications need to be made in how/where information is provided to students or to policies and practices themselves.

Petition to waive all-College Academic Regulations Discrimination Complaints
Grade Changes and Disputes Sexual Harassment Complaints (Title IX)
Distance Learning Complaint Process Health Center Patient Complaints
Student Conduct Code Violations Public Safety Complaints