Accidents Hurt, Safety Doesn't.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Information

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The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) assists in encouraging and promoting the safety of Ithaca College's students, faculty, and staff, as well as to facilitate College compliance with applicable environmental, health, and safety regulations.

The team provides numerous services to the campus community necessary for maintaining a safe and environmentally responsible institution at which to study and work.

Our services cover three broad areas:

  • Fire Safety
  • Workplace (Occupational) Safety
  • Environmental Management

Among our services are programs designed to educate the campus community on issues related to safety and fire protection. Those programs are administered by the EH&S team through the Office of Public Safety under the direction of the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life. Details on many of the programs are found throughout this section.

Campus health and safety programs and policies mandated by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and New York State Department of Labor (DOL) are also administered by EH&S. Copies of these policies are on file at the Office of Public Safety.

Ranging from accident reports and asbestos management to emergency evacuation procedures and personal protective equipment, these policies can be found on the Ithaca College Policy Manual website maintained by the College attorney's office.

Ithaca College Policy Manual: Health and Safety Policies

Contact Information

Environmental Health and Safety
(607) 274-3353 - Central Office or
(607) 274-3333 - Dispatch

Michael Stone, Associate Director

Vacant, Fire & Building Safety Coordinator

Enoch Perkins, Fire Safety Specialist

George Whitmore, Fire Safety Specialist

Mark V. Ross, Environmental Safety Specialist

Appliances and Safety Checks