Historical Initiatives
2324-0001: VP of Residential Affairs Executive Board Establishment
2324-0002: Senator Involvement Designation
2223-0001: Code of Conduct Amendment
2223-0002: Addition of Representative Seats Amendment
2223-0003: Executive Board Restructure
2223-0004: RHA/SGC Merger Proposal
2122-0001: Employee Vaccination Recommendation
2122-0002: Varsity Athlete Senator Position Clarification
2122-0003: Hybrid Model [Tabled]
2122-0004: Improving Campus Lighting
2122-0005: Allocations Handbook Amendment
2122-0006: Gender Neutral Bathrooms in All Academic Buildings
2021-0001: Rent College Pads Recommendation
2021-0002: Fall 2020 Tuition Transparency Request
2021-0003: 60 Calendar Day Title IX Recommendation
2021-0004: Constitutional Resignation Policy Amendment
2021-0005: SGC Elections GPA Requirement Modification
2021-0006: Excused Absence for Poll Workers Recommendation
2021-0007: The 2020 Ithaca College Voting Act
2021-0008: Appropriations Travel Registration Fees Resolution
2021-0009: Mental Health Days Recommendation [Resolved]
2021-0010: Appropriations Prize and Merchandise Funding Resolution
2021-0011: Dean’s Student Council Recommendation
2021-0012: Academic Policy Committee Requirement Amendment
2021-0013: Appropriations Two Week Rule Resolution
2021-0014: Health & Safety Officer Requirement and Compliance to Health/Community Guidelines Amendment
2021-0015: Social Justice and Sustainability Committee Amendment
2021-0016: Addition of Community Agreement Reporting Form to all Academic Syllabi Recommendation
2021-0017: 2020 Ithaca College Meeting Procedures Act
2021-0018: Reasons for Vacancies Amendment [Tabled]
2021-0019: Organizational Review Timing Amendment
2021-0020: Club and Organizations Amendment [Tabled]
2021-0021: Holiday Accommodation Policy Recommendation
2021-0022: Senate Chair Qualifications and Selection Process Updates Amendment
2021-0023: Documents Procedure Update Amendment
2021-0024: Executive Board Bill Sponsorship Amendment
2021-0025: Constitution Meeting Procedures Clarification Amendment
2021-0026: SGC Meeting Community Session Amendment
2021-0027: Meeting Procedure Adjournment Clarification Amendment
2021-0028: Basic Needs Statement Recommendation
2021-0029: 2021 Ithaca College Financial Transparency Recommendation
2021-0030: No Confidence in Shape of the College Recommendation
2021-0031: Election Day Holiday Act
2021-0032: SGC Website Manual
2021-0033: SGC Website Upkeep Amendment
2021-0034: Appropriations Prize Amendment
2021-0035: Executive Session Amendment
2021-0036: SGC Elections Act
2021-0037: Student Organization Bill Sponsorship Amendment
2021-0038: Executive Board Attendance Policy Amendment
2021-0039: Student Organization Elections Endorsements Amendment [Tabled]
2021-0040: Allocation Handbook Amendment
2021-0041: Ithaca College Green New Deal
2021-0042: Meeting Vote Eligibility Amendment
2021-0043: Bill Follow-Up Timeline Amendment
2021-0044: Confirmations Calendar Amendment
2021-0045: Allocation Handbook Amendment
1920-xxxx: Reinstitution of Late Night Dining
*More In Progress*
*In Progress*
1718-0003: Article XIII Reform
1718-0003: Carbon Monoxide
1718-xxxx: Removal and Review of Article VIII
1718-xxxx: Humanities and Sciences Committee
1718-xxxx: The Health Professional Connection Shadowing Program
1718-xxxx: Amendments to Appropriations Handbook
1617-0001: Change SGA Name to SGC
1617-0002: Alternative Coffee Bill
1617-0004: Sanctuary Bill
1617-0006: Bill Structure Reform
1617-0007: Allocations Committee Reform
1617-0008: International Student Support
1617-0009: Allocations Committee Reform II
1617-0011: Menstrual Products Bill
1617-0012: ICC Theme Consolidation Bill
1617-0014: CAPS Initiative
1617-0015: Plastic Bag Replacement
1617-0016: Turf Yavits Field
*In Progress*
1415-0001: HSHP Campaign Against Microagressions
1415-0002: Sport Studies Major Reinstatement and Relocation
1415-0003: Affiliated Study Abroad Options
1415-0004: Pro-Semester Dining Hall Options
1415-0005: Room/Apartment Condition Report
1415-0006: Quorum Amendment
1415-0007: Sabbatical Leave Policy
1415-0008: Satisfactory/D/Fail Policy
1415-0009: Circles Community Center ATM
1415-0010: Student Evaluations Transcribing
1415-0011: Amendment Time Limit
1415-0012: Responsibly Clean Campus
1415-0013: Single-Use Plastic Reduction and Environmental Bill
1415-0014: Environmental and Animal Protection from Plastic Bill
1415-0015: Outdoor Lighting- - Safety and Environmentalism Bill
1415-0016: Ithaca College Printing Policy
1415-0017: Park School of Communications Campaign Against Microaggressions
1415-0018: Club Sports Advisory Committee Proposal
1415-0019: School of Business Campaign Against Microaggressions
1415-0020: School of Music Campaign Against Microaggressions
1415-0021: School of Humanities and Sciences Campaign Against Microaggressions
1415-0022: Hallal Food Station
1415-0023: Friend's Hall Urinal Divider
1415-0024: Gender Neutral Housing Option
1415-0025: LGBTQ Studies Minor
1415-0026: Cars on Terrace Walkways
1415-0027: Public Safety Dashboard Cameras & Body Cameras
1415-0028: Review of Campus Climate Survey Process
*In Progress*
1213-0001: New Media Policy Repeal
1213-0002: Pro-Rated First Year Student Parking
1213-0003: H.O.M.E Program Resolution
1213-0004: Know Your Rights
1213-0005: Student Outreach Recommendation
1213-0006: Logo Redesign Bill
1213-0007: Parking Restructuring Bill
1213-0008: Community Service Requirement
1213-0009: Student Activities Fund Relief Recommendation
1213-0010: Trashcan Additions
1213-0011: Staircase Replacement
1213-0012: Friend's Hall Urinal Divider
1213-0013: Diversity and Social Justice Recommendation
1213-0014: Smoking Policy
1213-0015: Transfer Housing Program Extension
1213-0016: Study Abroad Policy Recommendation
1213-0018: SGA Staff Member of the Year Award
1112-0001: SGA IC 20/20 Task Forces
1112-0002: Off-Campus NYS Good Samaritan Law Funding
1112-0008: Org Event Attendance Policy
1112-0009: Conscience And Awareness
1112-0012: Appropriations Committee