The Senate

The Senate of Student Governance Council serves to develop initiatives on issues on campus. There are Senators for various constituences on campus, including two Senators for each academic classs, one Senator for each academic school, and more. The Senate votes on bills during SGC meetings to make change to Ithaca College.


  1. Academic Senators will meet with their respective Deans at least once per block.
  2. Academic Senators should serve on Academic Policy Committee.
  3. The Varsity Athlete Senator will function as a liaison between Student Governance Council and the Student-Athlete Advisory Council.
  4. The Graduate Senator will function as a liaison between Student Governance Council and Graduate Council

Meet The Senate

The Senate is comprised of 25 positions representing various constituencies at Ithaca College. Click on any card below to contact the student in the position listed, or contact for any inquiries about open positions!

Class Senators

Academic Senators