Student Forms

Frequently Asked Questions for Graduation

Undergraduate students must reach at least 90 Earned Credit Hours. Earned Credit Hours only include courses you have passed and received a grade for and transfer credit. Graduate students must reach at least 15 Earned Credit Hours. Typically, students apply one full semester prior to graduation. Spring and summer graduates would apply in the fall semester.

A double major is when a student completes two majors with the same degree type and completes at least 120 credits. For example, both Sociology and Anthropology are a Bachelor of Arts degree. Therefore, the student will receive one diploma and only needs to apply for gradation once. A dual degree is when a student completes two majors in different degree programs and completes at least 150 credits. For example, Biology is a Bachelor of Science degree and Psychology is a Bachelor of Arts degree. Therefore, the student will receive two diplomas and needs to apply twice, once for each degree.

No, both majors/degrees must be completed simultaneously in order to graduate. You may drop the incomplete major by submitting a change of major form in IC Workflow.

Before you submit a new form, please email  from your IC email account and let them know you are making a change to your curriculum. Once you receive an email that your application has been deleted, and your curriculum change has been made, submit a new application.

If you need to change your diploma address, from your IC email account, email with the new address. If you need to change your expected graduation date, fill out the form using this link, select Change of Expected Graduation Date, your application will be updated.

In HomerConnect, Click on Student Records, Financial Aid, and Residential Life; Click on Student Records; and Click on View Submitted Graduation Application(s).

Applications will remain active for one year, after that it will be deleted and a new request will need to be submitted when you are ready to graduate.

Yes, if you want your information to be correct in the Commencement program we need your application submitted by beginning of the spring semester.

Use the link, select Hometown Commencement Form. This form is for the Commencement program only. Your Hometown City/State/Country will be printed in the program.

Students who did not graduate need to change their expected graduation date using the link, select Change of Expected Graduation Date. Students are given a one semester Pending Graduation Leave to complete their requirements. If the student is completing their requirements outside of Ithaca College, and they have already had the Pending Graduation Leave, they will need to take a leave of absence for future semester(s).

 No, Ithaca College policy is to print only the type of degree you have earned and your Latin honors. A diploma is not a legal or binding document, the student transcript is the legal document that includes your major(s), concentrations, minor(s), GPA, degree(s) awarded, and date degree was awarded.

Diplomas are printed and mailed within four weeks from the graduation date. They are mailed to your permanent address unless you have entered a different address on the application.

Please e-mail with other questions.