Visit the Makerspace!

The IC Makerspace is a collaborative work space used for making, learning, exploring and sharing while utilizing a range of high tech to no tech tools.


The Makerspace provides a range of materials and machinery in a space that is staffed with student design and instructional support.

Empowering Personal Creativity
Makerspace facilities provide hands on learning, help with critical thinking skills and even boost self-confidence.  By taking an innovative approach to engaging students, developing cross-disciplinary skills and connecting a community of innovative thinkers, the IC Makerspace helps prepare students for success.  

The space is equipped with 3D printers, a laser cutter, sewing machines, Cricuts and various hand crafting tools, which can be leveraged for projects related to a variety of disciplines including art, computer science, graphic design, animation, game design, robotics, and more. 

Get Involved with the Makerspace

The Makerspace is open to students, staff and faculty. There is no experience necessary, just an open mind and a willingness to learn! Walk in at any time during our open hours and our staff can get you started with using new technology. 

Friends Hall 101 and 102

Spring 2025 Hours
Monday-Friday 11am-7pm
Saturdays 12pm-5pm

Faculty/Course Use

Want to incorporate the Makerspace into your course?

Whether it's a short tour to introduce your first-year seminar to the space, a project that requires some Makerspace technology or materials, or a semester-long prototyping project, we want to find creative ways to engage students. 

Contact Lab Coordinator Ash Bailot or fill out this form to get started with planning. 

Student Org/Club use

We love hosting club meetings in the Makerspace! If you are interested in hosting your club meeting in the Makerspace on a regular or one-time basis, arrange this with us by emailing two weeks ahead of time so that we can ensure staffing and reserve the space for you.

Past Club use examples 
HI Fashion Studios - used the sewing machines and materials to create pieces for their showcase
Disabled Students Alliance - hosted a crafting night

Makerspace Technology

These are some of the many creative things you can do in the IC Makerspace

The 3D Printers just might be your ultimate tool for boundless creativity in our cutting-edge Makerspace. Bring their wildest ideas to life with precision and ease by effortlessly translating your imagination into tangible reality.  Whether you're a hobbyist, a student working on an assignment or faculty,  the 3D printers will revolutionize your creative journey!

Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Printers

The Makerspace maintains two Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Printers. We use PLA 1.75 mm filament to print a variety of personal and academic projects. We offer a limited amount of Makerspace filament use per semester, or clients can bring their own filament. Our Makerspace Technology Specialists can help clients find or model 3D files, slice them using Bambu Studio and learn how to load filament and start a 3D print. 

The Makerspace is equipped with a Dremel LC40 laser cutter. The machine works by uploading a compatible digital file that can be etched into your material with the laser. Due to the limitations of our current space, the laser cutter in the Makerspace will be used solely for work with natural wood materials to limit potential harmful toxins. Laser cutting can be a great tool for classroom projects or other use around campus, such as creating signage.

The Cricut Maker handles fabrics, leather, paper, and balsa wood with effortless precision. Cricut Maker quickly and accurately cuts 300+ materials, from the most delicate paper and fabric to the tough stuff like matboard, leather, and basswood.  Explore potential project ideas with the Cricut Blog.


Design your own or digitize an existing design and translate it onto a tshirt, hat, mug, sweatshirt, or more!

Cricut Tools Available:

  • 2 Cricut Makers
    • Foil transfer kit
    • Deep point blade
    • Fine point blade
    • Knife blade
    • Rotary blade
    • Calligraphy, Fine point, and Gel pens
  • 1 Hat Press
  • 2 Mug Press
  • 1 Heat Press
  • 1 Heat Press Mini

Ever wanted to carve your own wooden spoon? How about make some fashionable wooden earrings? The Makerspace is equipped with a handheld Dremel Rotary tool, light woodworking tools, and a solid maple top work bench ready for your light woodworking projects.

Learn how to hand stamp a bracelet or necklace or wrap your favorite trinket into a ring to wear. Other supplies include: earring hooks, ring sizing tools, keychain rings.

Two Bernina Sewing machines are available for a range of simple to complex sewing projects. Other materials available include knitting, crochet, and embroidery supplies.

The Brother SE1900 embroidery machine offers an intelligent but simple to use single-needle computerized embroidery machine experience complete with an auto-threader, bobbin thread runout detection, and built in fonts for quick designs on the machine's touchscreen interface. Work with Makerspace staff to digitize any graphic you want to embroider and learn the process of computerized embroidery.

Stay up to date with the Makerspace

For day to day updates, announcements and events, follow us on Instagram.

For upcoming events and workshops, check us out on IC Engage

For questions and inquiries, email us at

Spring 2025 Workshops and Events at the Makerspace

Workshops require advance registration on Engage! Keep up with @icmakerspace on Instagram for updates

Mini Makerspace Tours: Thurs Jan 23, 12:10-1
Intro to Crochet – Basic Stitches Mon Jan 27, 11-1, and Saturday Feb 1, 3-5
Sticker Making. Tuesday Jan 28, 4:30-6:30

Valentine’s Day Printmaking. Wednesday Feb 5, 5-7
Valentine’s Day Crafting: All Day. Friday Feb 14, 12pm-7pm
Intro to Sewing – Sew a tote bag. Friday Feb 21, 5-7
Handmade stamps. Thurs Feb 27, 4:30-6:30

Intermediate Crochet – Make a Crochet Frog. Sat March 8, 3-5
Make Acrylic Earrings on the Laser Cutter. Thurs March 6, 4:30-7
Cosplay Tips and Tricks. Wed March 19, 5-7
Mug Making – Decorate a mug with the Cricut. Friday March 28, 12-2.

Make a Faux Stained Glass wall hanging. Wed April 2, 4:30-6:30
3D Printing Useful Things to Improve Your Life. Friday April 11, 1-3
Make a Punch Needle Mini Rug. Friday April 18, 5-7
3D Printing Useless Trinkets to Make You Smile. Friday April 25, 1-3

Friendship Bracelets. Thursday May 1, 4:30-6:30
Decorate Grad Caps. Wednesday May, 7 4-6