Status message

4.14 Serious Instructional Deficiencies in Tenured Faculty

4.14 Serious Instructional Deficiencies in Tenured Faculty

4.14.1 Identification of Deficiencies

If, in the opinion of both the chair or the dean (as stipulated in the planning unit procedures) and either a majority of the tenured faculty of the planning unit or a majority of the planning unit's peer review committee (as stipulated in the planning unit procedures), an annual evaluation of a tenured faculty member manifests the existence of serious instructional deficiencies which are deemed likely to persist, the dean of the faculty member's school must consult with the faculty member. If the dean agrees that such deficiencies exist, then the dean must ask the appropriate pre-established school-wide peer review committee (as determined by school personnel policies) to evaluate the faculty member. This committee will not be the same committee as was involved in initiating the action. This committee shall consult with the faculty member, the dean, and other individuals as appropriate.

4.14.2 Correction of Serious Instructional Deficiencies

If the school-wide peer review committee confirms that such deficiencies exist, it must prepare, in consultation with the dean, a description of the areas where improvement is needed and a process for assessing change. This information should be communicated to the dean and the faculty member within one (1) month after receiving the dean's initial evaluation request. The dean will also discuss with the faculty member appropriate instructional improvement programs available to the faculty member. Within one (1) month after these discussions, the faculty member must submit to the dean a plan specifying how the faculty member proposes to address the concerns identified. If the chair is not part of the school-wide peer review committee, the chair will be available to provide assistance to the faculty member as specified in planning unit personnel policies.

After one full semester of teaching, the dean and the school-wide peer review committee will review the faculty member's performance and submit a written report to the provost & vice president for academic affairs and the president. If the school-wide peer review committee and the dean agree the faculty member has substantially overcome the deficiencies, then no further action will occur. If there is disagreement between the dean and committee as to the faculty member's progress or if it is agreed that the faculty member has not overcome the deficiencies but has made documentable progress toward overcoming the deficiencies identified, then the dean and school-wide peer review committee will recommend that additional time be provided to complete remediation and also recommend the process by which the review will occur at the end of this additional period. If, due to a disagreement between the dean and the committee, the faculty member has been given additional time to complete remediation, the provost will participate in the review process during this additional period of time. If, due to a disagreement between the dean and the committee, the faculty member has been given additional time to complete remediation, and if at the end of such additional time there is still disagreement, a special three-person committee of full-time tenured faculty will be appointed by the president to review the faculty member's progress. One person will be nominated by the faculty member, one person by the faculty member's planning unit and one person by the dean of the faculty member's school. In reviewing the faculty member's progress, the special committee may consult with the faculty member, dean, school-wide peer review committee, or other individuals they deem appropriate. The special committee will make a recommendation to the president. After receiving the recommendation, the president will make a determination. In so doing, the president may determine no further action is necessary, that additional time is needed, or that a letter of dismissal in accordance with section is warranted.

4.14.3 Failure to Correct Serious Instructional Deficiencies

If the school-wide peer review committee and the dean agree that the faculty member has made no documentable progress in overcoming the deficiencies after one full semester of teaching, then the dean and school-wide review committee will so notify the provost & vice president for academic affairs and the president and recommend appropriate action be taken. A range of actions in accordance with section 4.15.6 may be appropriate, up to and including dismissal. The provost and the president will consult with the faculty member, dean, school-wide peer review committee, and other individuals they deem appropriate before taking action on the matter.

August 12, 2002