4.9 Definitions and Types of Appointments

4.9 Definitions and Types of Appointments

As approved by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees 5/15/2004.

Ithaca College provides the following appointments to individuals who teach at the College:

Appointment to the faculty shall be made by the Provost & Vice President for Academic affairs on the authority granted by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees and the President, and upon the recommendations of the applicable dean and the appropriate department, division and/or school faculty. The rank given at the initial appointment shall be determined according to the same or equivalent qualifications required by the College for promotion to that rank. Upon the recommendation of the appropriate department, applicable dean, and Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, the President may approve the appointment with tenure of an individual who previously earned tenure at another institution. Such tenured appointments must be confirmed by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees. In the case of the hiring of a dean, the recommendation of the outgoing dean is omitted. In the case of the hiring of a provost & vice president for academic affairs, the recommendations of both the dean and provost & vice president for academic affairs are omitted.

When proposing any position the following factors must be emphasized:

  1. Curricular justification,
  2. Enrollment justification,
  3. Justification for status, part time or full time, and
  4. Duration and significance of need.

Major terms and conditions of every appointment to the faculty will be stated in writing and be in the possession of both the College and the candidate before the appointment is made.

4.9.1 Term Appointments

Except as provided below, or in any applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement, term appointments are appointments used by the College to fill vacancies created by leaves, to respond to short-term enrollment or curricular needs, or to staff instructional programs supported by time-limited funds. They must be approved by the department, the Dean, and the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Term appointments are non-renewable except as otherwise provided in any applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement. Faculty holding term appointments are neither tenured nor eligible for tenure. All faculty with term appointments have rank.

Aside from eligibility for tenure, promotion, and sabbatical leaves, all provisions of the Ithaca College Policy Manual apply to non-union full-time faculty with term appointments. The terms and conditions of employment for full-time faculty with term appointments who are part of a union are governed by the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Part-time term appointments, summer faculty appointments, and other faculty appointments for a term of six months or less do not need to be included in the staffing plans of faculty units. Such positions, however, must still be approved by the applicable dean and Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs. Terms and conditions of employment for part-time faculty who are part of a union are governed by the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement.

4.9.2 Notice Appointments

All notice appointments stipulate a length of time for the position, ranging from one (1) year to multiple years. Notice faculty appointments may be renewed annually and their positions may be renewed or extended unless otherwise notified pursuant to the terms of the applicable appointment. TENURE-ELIGIBLE NOTICE APPOINTMENTS

Tenure-eligible notice positions may be extended only under those circumstances stipulated in Volume IV of the Ithaca College Policy Manual. Appointments to such positions provide the tenure-eligible faculty member time to develop a record of teaching excellence (See Section, scholarship, service and/or professional activity.

The period of employment pursuant to a tenure-eligible notice position does not exceed six years4offull-time academic service as a ranked faculty member, with the tenure decision ordinarily being made in the sixth year. If a faculty member is appointed at the College with one or more years of prior experience at a duly accredited institution of higher learning, those years of service, up to a maximum of three, may be credited to the six-year period of tenure eligibility. Normally, faculty appointed at the rank of associate professor or professor are credited with three years of prior service. (Exceptions to this norm must be specified in the individual's initial letter of appointment.) EXTENSION OF TENURE DATE DUE TO FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES OR PERSONAL HEALTH CONDITION

As approved by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees 10/22/2010.

In recognition of the impact that certain family or health situations may have upon the time and energy a faculty member can devote to his or her professional responsibilities, and thus his or her ability to work at the pace or level expected to achieve tenure, any tenure-eligible faculty member may apply to his/her dean for a one-year extension of the probationary period without penalty for situations such as:

• The birth or adoption of a child;

• The care required from the faculty member for an immediate family member, as referenced in Policy Manual III, Section, who has a serious life-threatening and/or extended health condition;

• The serious or protracted health condition of the faculty member.

A one-year delay of the faculty member's tenure review year may be granted no more than twice. This extension may not cause the tenure review to occur later than the eighth academic year of that faculty member's appointment to a tenure-eligible position. The tenure file will include activities and teaching materials from the entire probationary period and indicate that an extension was granted.

Request for such an extension must be made within 3 months of the change in family responsibilities or personal health condition. The request must be approved by the faculty member's chair, dean, and the Provost & Vice President for Academic affairs. If approval is granted, the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs will forward a memo that identifies the faculty member's new tenure review year to the faculty member, as well as the faculty member's department chair and dean.

In the event a faculty member's tenure review date is extended, the schedule of probationary reviews will be adjusted accordingly. Adjustments will be made on a case-by-case basis. Any adjustments to the schedule of reviews will require prior approval of the Dean and Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty members granted extensions of tenure dates may not claim de facto tenure.

Exceptions to this policy, other than a maximum total delay of 2 years, may be considered in extraordinary circumstances and need to be approved by the faculty member's chair, dean, and the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs. Multi-Year Renewable NOTICE APPOINTMENTS

Multi-year renewable notice (MYRN) appointments may be full-time or part-time at no less than 58% of full-time load.

Faculty on MYRN appointments are eligible for instructional/research grants, reassigned time, and teaching/research awards. Faculty on MYRN appointments are not eligible for sabbatical leaves. The holder of an MYRN faculty appointment is not eligible for tenure, and the holder of such an appointment does not accrue full-time equivalent years toward tenure eligibility.

A faculty member with an MYRN appointment is, however, eligible to be considered for promotion. To be eligible for promotion, faculty with part-time appointments must accrue the same number of full-time years of service and meet the same performance criteria as full-time faculty at the same rank. Promotion for faculty on MYRN appointments must proceed according to the College's regular policies and procedures as outlined in Volume IV of the Ithaca College Policy Manual and following the Procedures for Formal Review, File Preparation and Presentation.

Although normally MYRN positions are full-time, when specialized expertise is required to fill a curricular need which is less than full-time, a part-time MYRN appointment may be considered. Generally, several such positions in a department should not be substituted for a full-time position; however, specialized curricular needs combined with scheduling requirements might justify several part-time MYRN positions in a department or school. The salary of a faculty member on a part-time MYRN appointment is normally determined by multiplying the percentage of full-time load by the full-time salary which would be given to faculty of the same rank and comparable experience in a full-time MYRN appointment at the College, and they are eligible for all institutional benefits on the same basis as full-time faculty. Faculty on part-time MYRN appointments normally carry out faculty responsibilities at a level directly proportional to their instructional load, and normal full-time faculty perquisites, such as leaves of absence, apply to holders of part-time MYRN appointments.

4.9.3 Continuous Appointments (Tenure)

Continuous appointments at the College are given to faculty members who have attained tenured status (seeSection4.12.4.2). Faculty members employed under a continuous appointment are entitled to annual contract renewal and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of employment specified in Volume IV of the Ithaca College Policy Manual in effect at the time of each annual renewal by the College, unless separated pursuant to any subsections of Section 4.15.

4.9.4 Part-Time Per-Course Appointments

This section applies only to non-unionized part-time per-course appointments. Terms and conditions of employment for holders of part-time per-course appointments who are represented by a union are governed by the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Part-time per-course appointments have an expected term of fewer than three years. Part-time-per-course appointees are responsible for the classes, laboratories, and/or studio instruction for which they are hired and for being available to students and colleagues for consultation as appropriate. The instructional load for such individuals does not exceed 50percent of the maximum teaching load per semester within the concerned department in any semester or academic year, and the individuals are not held responsible for co- or extra-instructional responsibilities normally expected of full-time faculty. Co- and extra-instructional responsibilities, as referred to here, mean curriculum development, academic advising, departmental, school, and College governance, and other faculty responsibilities.

The holder of a part-time per-course appointment is not eligible for tenure or promotion, and the holder of such an appointment does not accrue full-time equivalent years toward tenure eligibility. The holder of such an appointment is not precluded from applying and being considered for a notice position if such becomes available, but movement into such a position is considered a change of position rather than a promotion. In such a situation, the new rank is determined by the curricular justification for the new position and by an assessment of the credentials of the individual filling the position.

A per-credit-hour (or the equivalent) salary for part-time per-course appointments is established annually. A salary differential is possible when recommended by the applicable dean and approved by the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Part-time per-course faculty are not eligible for institutional benefits but are accorded those benefits mandated by federal or state statutes.

4.9.5 Contracts and Contract Policies

All faculty hired by Ithaca College will be given an initial formal contract of employment.

Except as otherwise specified in the appointment letter, faculty are under contract for the period from August 16 until May 31 of the following year. Typically, faculty do not have scheduled responsibilities between August 16 and Convocation and between Commencement and May 31. Nonetheless, special meetings and assignments, as well as other individual responsibilities, may be scheduled any time during the contract period. Every effort should be made to provide reasonable advance notification of any faculty responsibilities scheduled before Convocation or after Commencement.

During the period of the agreement, neither party may terminate the agreement without cause. Acceptance of a contract/appointment is understood to include acceptance of the rules and regulations pertaining to faculty responsibilities set forth in the Ithaca College Policy Manual.

4.9.6 Departments and Staffing Plans

Faculty at the College are appointed to a department, and the nature of the appointments they hold is described in the department's staffing plan. The list of current departments is available in the Office of the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs.

A department's staffing plan will consist of:

(1) A listing and classification of teaching positions as:

  • Continuous Appointments (Tenure);
  • Full-Time Term;
  • Full-Time Tenure-Eligible Notice;
  • Multi-Year Renewable Notice;
  • Professional Staff, if applicable;
  • Part-Time Per Course;

(2) Descriptions of each position.

Supporting documentation and justification on the basis of curriculum and enrollment, while critical to the development and approval of staffing plans, are not part of the staffing plan per se. After initial approval, each staffing plan will be reviewed at least every two years by the department and the applicable dean, and the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs to ensure that it accurately reflects current and long-range curricular need and enrollment demand.

Extraordinary curricular, enrollment, or staffing circumstances may justify the creation of a temporary position that is not included in the staffing plan. No such position, however, will remain in existence for more than one (1) year without being identified, justified, and classified in the staffing plan.

Curricular and staffing needs must be made known to new appointees upon appointment. During the tenure-eligible period, faculty must also be informed by the Dean of any changes in the staffing plan. Written notification of such changes must be sent by certified mail at least five (5) business days before July 1 of the academic year preceding the change.

4.9.7 Changes in Educational Programs and Staffing Plans

Changes in staffing plans that significantly affect the role and responsibilities of individual faculty members may be required in order to respond to, for example, sustained and substantial increases or decreases in enrollment, the mandates of external agencies or accrediting bodies, new developments in a field or discipline, or institutional decisions to reorient or discontinue a program. In order for faculty to have adequate notice of the need to retrain or consider other employment, it is important for each department and school to review its programs on a regular basis and in an objective manner, with special attention to changes in curricular orientation and staffing needs. Any changes in staffing plans that significantly affect the role and responsibilities of individual faculty members must follow from, and not precede, such program review.

Proposals for changes in staffing plans, or discontinuance or redesign of a program, may be initiated by faculty or administration. Prior to approval, such changes must be reviewed and recommendations must be submitted by the applicable dean and appropriate faculty bodies, such as department or school curriculum committee and the Academic Policies Committee. The department must consult with faculty affected before making a recommendation. Final decisions on changes in staffing plans will be made by the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs and President after reviewing all of the recommendations which are submitted.

Should a planned and financially feasible expansion or refocusing of the program indicate the need for and value of a significant redirection of duties and responsibilities for any individuals, each affected individual must receive a clear statement of proposed new responsibilities. If the individual needs or requires additional education or retraining (in order to fulfill these responsibilities) then the individual may present a proposal to the Dean and Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs for a professional development plan which may include reassigned time and/or College funding.

Discontinuance or redesign of a program (due, for example, to sustained and substantial shifts or declines in enrollment; the need to reallocate resources for purposes of institutional viability; new developments in the field; or the mandates of external bodies) can result in the termination of non-tenure-eligible, tenure-eligible, or even tenured faculty in that program. Before any termination of a tenured faculty member occurs under these circumstances, the College will make every reasonable effort to provide for the retraining and relocation of tenured faculty for appropriate alternative service within the institution. The tenured faculty member may present to the Dean, and Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, a proposal for appropriate professional development, which may include reassigned time and/or College funding. Before any termination of a tenure-eligible faculty member occurs under these circumstances, the College should, whenever possible, provide the same opportunity for retraining and relocation.

Terminations resulting from discontinuance or redesign of a program will be made in the following order: 1) faculty with part-time per-course appointments, 2) faculty with term appointments (by rank and time in rank), 3) faculty with non-tenure-eligible notice appointments (by rank and time in rank), 4) faculty with tenure-eligible notice appointments by rank and time in rank), and 5) tenured faculty (by rank and time in rank). Whenever academically justified and financially feasible for the College, the College will retain faculty with tenure even if such retention results in termination of faculty in other departments who do not hold tenure. If a tenured faculty member is terminated due to program redesign or discontinuance, the individual is eligible for and will be given an opportunity to accept reappointment with tenure in the original or revised program should the faculty member's position or an equivalent one become available within three years of termination.

Finally, in cases where proposed changes in one program may affect the curriculum and staffing of another program, the College administration is responsible for informing the College community of such changes so that related programs may prepare a plan for orderly transition.

4.9.8 Combining Two Departments and Creating New Departments

Proposals to combine two departments or to create a new department will be reviewed by a task force recommended by the applicable dean(s) and appointed by the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs. A majority of the members of the task force will be the faculty of the affected department(s). If the change involves more than one department, the task force will consist of at least one faculty member from each department, with the number of members from each department in approximate proportion to the size of the department. The task force shall within six months carefully study the proposed change and make recommendations to the faculty of the affected department(s), the Dean(s), the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President. The faculty of the affected department(s) shall conduct an advisory vote on the recommendations. Such vote will be presented to the Dean(s), and the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, and President.

Changes must be approved before July 1 in order for the changes to be effective for the immediately upcoming academic year. FINANCIAL EXIGENCY

Financial exigency is an imminent financial crisis which threatens the survival of the institution as a whole. The Ithaca College Board of Trustees, upon recommendation of the President of the College, who will have consulted with the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Faculty Council, shall decide if a financial crisis that meets the criteria of a financial exigency exists and should be declared.

If a condition of financial exigency should arise, the president will explain the financial exigency in writing to the faculty and will then meet with the faculty concerning this issue. Following this meeting, the President will constitute and charge a committee consisting of six (6) administrators and six (6) faculty to collaborate or assist in developing a plan to deal with the staffing and budgetary implications of the condition. The administrative members of the committee will be appointed by the President and the faculty membership will be selected by the Faculty Council and shall consist of two (2) tenured faculty from the School of Humanities and Sciences (one from Humanities or Fine Arts and another from Natural Sciences or Social Sciences) and one tenured faculty member from each of the professional schools. The committee reports to the President, who will make the final recommendation for action to the Ithaca College Board of Trustees.

4In exceptional circumstances, up to two years maximum of further full-time service may be arranged to extend the probationary period by agreement of the faculty member and President, with support of the department, the Dean, and the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs. If a faculty member begins a tenure-eligible appointment in January, the probationary period will normally be extended by one semester to include the initial spring semester.

Last updated: July 8, 2024