ICLA Course Offerings

Course offerings are subject to change. Please refer to the course catalogue for current courses being offered. Contact the ICLA program staff at laprogram@ithaca.edu to find out more details about upcoming semesters' courses.
Summer Courses

Cinema & Photography
CNPH 49000 Cinema & Photography Internship (3-5 credits)

JOUR 49000 Journalism Internship (3-5 credits)

Strategic Communication
STCM 49000 STCM Internship (3-5 credits)

TVR 49000 Television-Radio / Emerging Media Internship (3-5 credits)

Writing for Film, TV and Emerging Media
MASS 49000 Writing Internship (3-5 credits)

Fall and Spring Courses

Note that course offerings change each semester. Please contact the ICLA office with any questions about upcoming semesters.

Cinema & Photography
CNPH 30000  Fiction Film Theory* (4 credits)
CNPH 49000  Cinema & Photography Internship (6-8 credits)

GCOM 32600 Media Industries (1 credit; required for all ICLA students)

JOUR 49000  Journalism Internship  (6-8 credits)

Strategic Communication
STCM 49000  STCM Internship  (6-8 credits)

TVR 33500  Electronic Media Criticism** (3 credits)
TVR 49000  Television-Radio / Emerging Media Internship (6-8 credits)

Writing for Film, TV and Emerging Media
MASS 32700 Development for Entertainment Media (4 credits)
MASS 33300 Writing the Feature Film (4 credits)
MASS 43300 Thesis Screenwriting (4 credits)
MASS 43600 Thesis TV Writing (4 credits)
MASS 49000 Writing Internship (6-8 credits)

For specific course descriptions, go to www.ithaca.edu/catalogs.
*Fulfills Writing Intensive requirement
**Fulfills Writing Intensive and Diversity Designated requirements