Education and Teaching for Social Justice

Through coursework, programs, and experiences, you can explore a wide range of interests and professional pursuits in the field of education.
Collage of education department events
Teach In Five
Earn your Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, and initial New York State teaching certification right here at Ithaca College!
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"Too often we think the work of fighting oppression is just intellectual. The real work is personal, emotional, spiritual, and communal."

Dr. Bettina Love

Students involved with our education courses, programs, and experiences have a wide range of interests and professional pursuits in the field of education. If you see education as a way to make a difference in the world, our department could be a great fit if you are considering:

  • teaching elementary, middle, or high school
  • working with youth in other ways to make learning come alive for them
  • shaping higher education
  • improving schools and society through the development of more effective education policy
  • pursuing legal cases to achieve greater equity and fairness in our educational system

Our popular Education Studies Minor and Teach in Five program are open to all undergraduate students. You can also pursue advanced training in one of our four options for graduate education teaching degrees.

A hallmark of your experience at Ithaca College will be the opportunity to spend time in area public schools in a variety of hands-on learning situations. You could:

  • Help run an afterschool homework club
  • Support students for success in math or science
  • Work with new immigrant students and their families to help them thrive
  • Assist with the AVID program at a local high school 

After graduation, our students work, teach, and pursue additional education near and far. Our graduates have entered a variety of professions including law, social work, school psychology, business, special education, teaching, documentary filmmaking, journalism, textbook publishing, and more. The world of education is an exciting and rewarding one, and we invite you to join us as you explore it!

Undergraduate Education Studies Major, Minor, and Teach in Five

Thrive under close mentoring relationships with faculty. Find the right "fit" for your interests within the education field. Blossom in small class sizes with time for discussion and exploration.
Education Studies Major

A 38-credit interdisciplinary exploration of the field of education, centered on education as a tool for social justice

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Education Studies Minor
A 16- to 20-credit program that can be tailored to your unique interests.
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Teach in Five
Undergraduate students interested in pursuing a teaching career can receive guidance and support through "Teach in Five"
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Graduate Education Teaching Degrees and Scholarships

Pursue advanced training and prepare for teaching in elementary, middle, or high school classrooms.
Master of Science in Childhood Education

Initial certification for elementary school teaching, grades 1-6

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Master of Arts in Teaching

Programs leading to initial certification in Adolescence Education (7-12), Agricultural Education (P-12), or Art Education (K-12)

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Robert Noyce Teaching Scholarship
$15,000 scholarship for STEM Graduate Programs in Education
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Quick Contacts

General Departmental Questions
Kimberly Wojtanik, Administrative Assistant

Graduate Degree Programs (Adolescence Education,Agriculture Education, Art Education, andChildhood Education) Education Studies Minor and Teach in Five
Dr. Sara Levy, Interim Graduate and Department Chairperson, Education Department