Deborah King

Professor, Exercise Science and Athletic Training

Undergraduate and graduate students are involved in many of the current projects and have worked on many of the past projects.  Graduate student thesis work is also done in the Biomechanics Lab. Some projects are done as part of a research team class and others as independent study.  Some students are also funded through work study, the Dana Scholarship program, or through external grants.  Many students have presented their work on various projects at College, Regional, or National Conferences. 

Regional & National Student Presentations


Sam Cannella. Absorption of Impact Forces by Three Types of Equestrian Protective Vests. Mid Atlantic Regional Conference for American College of Sports Medicine.  Harrisburg, PA.  Oct 31 – Nov 1, 2014

Danny Smith (BYU Engineering Student working on Figure Skating Blade Project).  System for Measuring Figure Skate Forces on Ice. Accepted for Presentation at 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA. July 6-11, 2014.


Zac Gabor and Ethan Lewis. Validity of a Hand-held Tablet Compared to 3-Dimensional Motion Analysis to Assess Landing Mechanics. Mid Atlantic Regional Conference for American College of Sports Medicine. Harrisburg, PA. Nov 1 – Nov 2, 2013.  Undergraduate Research Award Finalist.


Dan Craighead (submitted by Dan Craighead, presented by Dr. King) . Effect of Running Classes on Running Kinematics and Running Economy. 36th American Society of Biomechanics.  Gainesville, FL.August, 2012.


Dan Craighead. Effect of Running Classes on Running Kinematics and Running Economy. Mid Atlantic Regional Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine.  Hershey, PA. Novemeber, 2011.

Nate Bartman. Spine Posture Effects on Shoulder Range of Motion.  National Conference for Undergraduate Research.  Ithaca, NY. April, 2011,

Rob Hulbert and Elrick McCheyne. The Effects of a Stabilizer on Baseball Swing Mechanics. Ithaca, NY. April, 2011.

Matt Tenan.  Quantifying Neuromuscular Fatigue of the Quadriceps Complex in a Graded Exercise Test American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting.  Denver, CO.  May 31 – June 4, 2011.


Riana Czapla. Optimizing Power Output by Varying Repetition Tempo.  Proceedings from the Mid Atlantic Regional American College of Sports Medicine Regional Conference, Hershey, PA, November, 2009.  


Eric Shoup and Joe Hannon. Net Muscle Moments at L5/S1, Hip, and Knee during Modified Olympic and Modified Power Squats. Proceedings from the Mid Atlantic Regional American College of Sports Medicine Regional Conference, Hershey, PA, November, 2008.


Matt Tenan. Quantifying Neuromuscular Fatigue of the Quadriceps Complex in a Graded Exercise Test.  Proceedings from the Mid Atlantic Regional American College of Sports Medicine Regional Conference, Hershey, PA, November, 2007. 

Christine Nabinger. The effects of the menstrual cycle on strength and power in female athletes. Proceedings from the American College of Sports Meeting Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2007. 


Christine Nabinger. The effects of the menstrual cycle on strength and power in female athletes. Proceedings from the Mid-Atlantic Meeting, American College of Sports Meeting, Hershey, PA, November, 2006. 


Aaron Benson.  Comparison of rowing on stationary and dynamic ergometers. Proceedings from 52nd American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2005.


Aaron Benson. Comparison of rowing on stationary and dynamic ergometers. Proceedings from the Mid Atlantic Regional Conference American Society of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Bushkill, PA. November, 2004.