Deborah King

Professor, Exercise Science and Athletic Training

Recent Presentations/Conference Proceedings

T. Snyder, D. King, P. McKeon. (submitted to ACSM 2015 Annual Meeting). Effects of Speed on Sagittal Plane Kinematics and Strike Index in Trained Male Runners. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

S. Cannella, B. Keller, D., King. (2014).  Absorption of Impact Forces by Three Types of Equestrian Protective Vests. Mid Atlantic Regional Conference for American College of Sports Medicine.  Harrisburg, PA.  Oct 31 – Nov 1, 2014

B. Belyea, E. Alderman, Z. Gabor, J. Jackson, E. Lewis, D. King (2014). Validity of a Hand-held Tablet Compared to 3-Dimensional Motion Analysis to Assess Landing Mechanics.  Accepted for Presentation at 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA. July 6-11, 2014.  (Presenting author)

D. M. Smith, S. A. Acuña, J. C. Hawks, J. G. Packard, J. M. Robinson, D. L. King, S.T. Ridge, S. K. Charles. (2014).   System for Measuring Figure Skate Forces on Ice. Accepted for Presentation at 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA. July 6-11, 2014. 

Gabor, Z. Lewis E., Jackson, J., Alderman, E., King, D., and Belyea, B. (2013).  Validity of a Hand-held Tablet Compared to 3-Dimensional Motion Analysis to Assess Landing Mechanics. Mid Atlantic Regional Conference for American College of Sports Medicine.  Harrisburg, PA.  Nov 1 – Nov 2, 2013

MacDonald, K. and King, D. (2013). Musculoskeletal Disorders in Veterinary Echocardiographers. A prospective study on prevalence and risk factors. 2013 American College of Veterinary Medicine Forum, Seattle Washington, June 12-15, 2013.

Craighead, D., Lehecka, N.  King, D. (2012).  Effect of Running Classes on Kinematics and Economy (Abstract Number 233).  36th American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Gainesville, FL, August 15-18, 2012.  (Presenting author)

Craighead, D., Lehecka, N., King, D. (2011).  The Physiological and Biomechanical Effects of Running Mechanics Classes.  Mid Atlantic Regional Conference for American College of Sports Medicine.  Harrisburg, PA.  Nov 4 – Nov 5, 2011

King, D., Bartman, N., Geisler, P. (2011).  Poor Posture Limits Shoulder ROM and Trunk Rotation.  American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting.  Denver, Co.  May 31 – June 4, 2011. (Presenting author)

Tenan, M, Ives, J., King, D. (2011).  Quantifying Neuromuscular Fatigue of the Quadriceps Complex in a Graded Exercise Test American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting.  Denver, CO.  May 31 – June 4, 2011.

Siconolfi, S., King, D., Sigg, J. (2011). BMI: Fact Or Fiction. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting.  Denver, CO.  May 31 – June 4.

Belyea, B, Sigg J, King, D. The effects of MBT footwear on balance in an older adult: A case study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 42(5) Supplement: S350, May 2010.

Czapla, R., Sforzo, G., King, D. (2009). Optimizing Power Output by Varying Repetition Tempo.  Proceedings from the Mid Atlantic Regional American College of Sports Medicine Regional Conference, Hershey, PA, November, 2009.

King, D., Hannon, J., Shoup, E. (2009). Effect of Technique on Knee, Hip, and L5/S! Net Moments in the Parallel Back Squat (Abstract #1107).  33rd American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, State College, PA, August 23-26, 2007.

Belyea, B. Sigg, J., King, D. (2009). The effect of Masai Barefoot Technology footwear on balance in an older adult: case study. Proceedings from the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May 2009. 

King, D., Sigg, J., Belyea, B., Buck, M., and Hummel, C. (2008).  The Effects of Fatigue on the Knee Moment during a Stop and Go Task. Proceedings from the Mid Atlantic Regional American College of Sports Medicine Regional Conference, Hershey, PA, November, 2008.

Shoup, E., Hannon, J., King, D. (2008). Net Muscle Moments at L5/S1, Hip, and Knee during Modified Olympic and Modified Power Squats. Proceedings from the Mid Atlantic Regional American College of Sports Medicine Regional Conference, Hershey, PA, November, 2008.

Tenan, M.S., Ives, J.C., King, D.L.  (2007). Quantifying Neuromuscular Fatigue of the Quadriceps Complex in a Graded Exercise Test.  Proceedings from the Mid Atlantic Regional American College of Sports Medicine Regional Conference, Hershey, PA, November, 2007.

Sigg, J., Belyea, B., King, D., Dick, M., Murphy, M., Teeter, L., and Whited, M. (2008).  Relationship Of Hip Abductor Strength And Ground Reaction Forces In Adolescent Female Soccer Players (Abstract #1458).  Proceedings from the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, May 2008. 

King, D., Smith, S., Brown, M., McCrory, J., Muncasy, B., and Scheirman, G. (2007). Comparison of split double twists and split triple twists in pair figure skating. Proceedings from 31st American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Palo Alto, CA, August 23-26, 2007.

Nabinger, C., King, D., & Swensen, T (2007).  The effects of the menstrual cycle on strength and power in female athletes. Proceedings from the American College of Sports Meeting Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2007. 

Nabinger, C., King, D., & Swensen, T (2006).  The effects of the menstrual cycle on strength and power in female athletes. Proceedings from the Mid-Atlantic Meeting, American College of Sports Meeting, Hershey, PA, November, 2006.  

King, D., Sigg, J., Belyea, B., Hummel, C., and Buck, M. (2006).  Effects of fatigue on lower extremity joint kinematics during a stop and go landing task.  Proceedings from 30th American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Paper # 135.

Sigg, J., Belyea, B., King, D., Hummel, C., and Buck, M. (2006).  Impact mechanics during jumping and cutting tasks under fatigued and non fatigued conditions.  Proceedings from American Physical Therapy Association- Clinical Sports Medicine Conference 2006, San Diego, CA, February 2006.

Benson A., Swenson, T., and King, D. (2005).  Comparison of rowing on stationary and dynamic ergometers. Proceedings from 52nd American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2005.

Benson A., Swenson, T., and King, D. (2005).  Comparison of rowing on stationary and dynamic ergometers. Proceedings from the Mid Atlantic Regional Conference American Society of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Bushkill, PA. November, 2004.

King, D., Sigg, J., Belyea, B., Hummel, C., and Buck, M. (2005). Impact mechanics during stop and go tasks under fatigued and non fatigued conditions.  Proceedings from XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Cleveland, OH.  August 2005.