
There is no storage space in residence halls for property not owned by the College. Bed frames, desks, chairs, dressers, closets, mattresses, and other items that belong in your room or apartment must remain there. They may not be placed into storage at any time.

Storage space is not available anywhere on campus other than within a student's room or apartment. All personal-use items (e.g., sports equipment, plastic containers), whether personal or college-owned, must be stored in your room and not in hallways, lounges, balconies, or other community spaces. You should plan to have bulky moving boxes, luggage, and trunks return home on the day you check-in.

Bicycles may be stored on balconies during the academic year. These must be secured so the bicycle cannot be flipped over the railing (bicycles may not hang outside of the balcony area).

Student property may not be stored in student rooms after required check-out dates. This specifically includes the summer recess, regardless of whether a student is assigned the same room for the Fall semester as for the prior Spring semester.

Ithaca College’s Warehouse operates a summer storage program.

Property Left Behind

The College accepts no responsibility for property left behind by students who vacate their residence hall room or apartment for any reason during the academic year. Similarly, the College accepts no responsibility for a student's personal property that remains in a residence hall, apartment or room beyond the published closing date by which that student is required to check-out.

Property left behind after the closing date will be removed from the residence hall and disposed of by a College staff member. Disposal methods can include but are not limited to being placed in the trash, being recycled, or being donated to a local non-profit if the item is usable.