Being Accused of Sexual Misconduct?

Title IX requires that the college ensures a fair, equitable, impartial and thorough process. Being accused of sexual misconduct can be confusing or concerning, Linda Koenig, the Director of Title IX Compliance is available to you to help you navigate the process and access support and resources. If you feel that at any time your rights are being violated or not held to a fair standard during this process, please contact Linda Koenig at | 607-274-7761 to address those concerns.

Below is a list of some of your options, rights, and resources:

  • Schedule an appointment with someone from the Title IX Office
  • Review Ithaca College’s policy on Sexual Misconduct and Ithaca College's Student Conduct Code
  • Seek Medical Attention if you feel it's needed
  • Ask about a College Trained Advisor 
  • Consider reaching out to a Confidential Resource
  • Create a timeline and document what you remember about the allegations
  • Compile any evidence you feel will be helpful to share with an Investigator
  • Be mindful that retaliation (Vol 2.1.6)  against a reporting party or witness, or any behavior that could be interpreted as such, will not only make the situation worse but is also unlawful and could result in additional complaints of misconduct and possible corrective action.
  • Do not contact the Complainant through any means, for any reason - in person, by phone, by email, by social media or any other electronic communication, or through someone else. Abide by the requirements of the Campus Restriction Notice you may have been issued.

If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to the Title IX Office at 607-274-7761

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