Susan Durnford

Retired Lecturer, Speech Language Pathology and Audiology

Related Professional Activities

Newspaper Interview:

White, G. (Interviewer) &  Durnford, S. (Interviewee). (2016, March 13th ). Music Lifts Dementia Patients in Lakeland. The Ledger, pp. 2, 3.

Professional Activities:

Reviewed undergraduate, masters and doctoral level poster submissions for the 2014 and 2015 New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual conference (Fall 2013 & 2014 semester).

Reviewed undergraduate, masters and doctoral level applications for 2014 and 2015 research based scholarships funded by the New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Fall 2013 & 2014 semester).

Completed an iPad Pilot Project organized and sponsored by the Information Technology Services Department and the Center for Faculty Excellence at Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY. (Fall 2012 semester).

Organized the showing of a webinar entitled “Telepractice: Providing Professional Services Remotely” .  This was sponsored by the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Department at Ithaca College.  Departmental students and faculty were in attendance as well as a representatives from the Information Technology Department and the Occupational Therapy Department.  Additionally, joined the Special Interest Group #18 sponsored by the American Speech-Language Hearing Assocation regarding the area of telepractice. Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY. (December 2012)

Planning committee member of the Poster Presentations Committee for the 2011 National Conference on Undergraduate Research(NCUR), Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY. (Fall 2010-Spring 2011).

Consulted with Dr. Michael Palmquist (June 2011) at  Colorado State University regarding the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)  program that he nationally coordinates. This meeting resulted in the following:

a. Joined the Consortium on Graduate Communication (September 2014),

b. Joined the Writing Across the Curriculum Consortium in the Northeast Region (NEWACC) (August 2011),

c. Co-organized a 'college writing' webinar with colleague Dr. Yvonne Rogalski for all faculty in the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, sponsored by the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance at IC (September 2011), and

d. Attended Academic Writing in the 21st Century: Looking Forward Symposium; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Boston, MA (October, 2011) <;.

Coordinated and moderated two PESI seminars  <> .  Very Best Treatment for ADHD and the Processing Disorders: Immediate Evidence-Based Strategies; Rochester, NY (September 2011) and Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Assessment & Treatment of Neurological Impairments; Syracuse, NY (May 2011).

Co-initiated student led annual conferences with Elizabeth Begley, a co-advisor of the Ithaca College chapter of the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA) in 1996.  These professional conferences rotate between the NSSLHA clubs at Ithaca College and SUNY-Cortland. Co-facilitated these conferences on the Ithaca College campus in the spring of 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, and 2005.  These annual conferences continue with a conference scheduled for April 18th, 2015 at Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY.

Moderated presentations at Women Aging Wisely (May 2000) and at the Aging Well: Prevention and Rehabilitation for Older People Conference (June 1996) both sponsored by the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY.

Completed clinical trials with two IBM ThinkPads from Eloquent Technologies which were programmed with a new synthesized speech program.   Residents from a local nursing home, students and faculty provided feedback regarding the quality of the different synthesized voice types (1998-1999).

Completed pilot testing on the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test (CLQT) for the Psychological Corporation  (Spring 1998).

Moderated presentations at the New York State Speech-Language–Hearing Association Conference, Buffalo, New York (April, 1997).