HSCC Curriculum Guidelines (pdf - last updated July 2021) - Detailed information on the curriculum review and approval process, how to write an effective course/program rationale, procedure and policy on course types and internships.

FAQ for Curriculum Processes in H&S (pdf - last updated July 2021), or "everything you needed to know about curriculum proposals in CIM..." - it includes tips on using CIM, information on creating course proposals for new, revised, and experimental-turning-to-permanent courses, revising programs, and using course attributes. 

How To ... Guide for Proposers Preparing New, Experimental, and Revised COURSE Proposals (pdf - last updated September 2021) - the focus of this guide is how to make sure your proposal is addressing the kinds of questions asked by HSCC and APC in their review of course proposals, including course titles, course numbers, course SLOs, the rationale, and more.

How To ... Step-By-Step Guide for Proposers Preparing New and Revised Program Proposals (pdf - last updated April 2022) - includes information on the Overview Memo that HSCC expects to receive for proposal packages that include course proposals along with program proposals, as well as guidance on completing the Plan of Study (semester by semester) grid and Miscellaneous Proposals to create attributes, if applicable.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Course Attributes (pdf - last updated July 2021) and also
How to add attributes to courses in CIM (pdf - last updated July 2021)

How to write effective SLOs (online - provided by IC's Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee)

  • See also this chart of Bloom's Taxonomy (online) that provides active verbs to use at each level of the taxonomy (the higher the level of the course, we expect to see higher order learning outcomes as well)

Selected Topics Scheduling Guide (pdf - last updated August 2021)

Curriculum Inventory Management system (CIM) Guides and Links:

All College Policy and Curriculum Committee (APC) (to access these documents, you may need to log in with your netpass)

H&S Assessment Committee

Integrative Core Curriculum

H&S Experiential Learning Process and Policy