Judy Bossuat-Gallic

A 1978 graduate of Dr. Suzuki’s Matsumoto Talent Education Institute, Judy Bossuat-Gallic’s contact with Dr. Suzuki began in 1974 and continued yearly through 1990. A registered Suzuki Teacher Trainer for SAA and the European Suzuki Association, she is an honorary member of ESA in recognition for her 16 years of pioneer work during the early days of the Suzuki Method in Europe. Bossuat has taught violin and trained teachers for 50 years at over 400 International Conferences, Institutes and Workshops all over the world.  Known for silently teaching large groups of children, she offers lessons and teacher training online, in Lodi, C.A. and Geneseo N.Y. A past board member of the American String Teachers Association and the National String Project Consortium, she also has held faculty positions at Sacramento State University, University of the Pacific, and University of Oregon. Currently she is a member of the new SAA Suzuki Training Committee.