Math Courses for the ICC

We offer many courses that give you a chance to explore some of the cool things you can do with math. Some of these courses satisfy the quantitative literacy and diversity requirement, while others satisfy Themes and Perspectives requirements.

Quantitative Literacy Courses

Math 108 (Applied Calculus): Looking for a course in calculus that focuses on applications?  This course explores calculus without worrying about the theoretical underpinnings of calculus. Applications include drug concentrations in the body via daily medication, credit card debt, and population growth. 

Math 144 (Stats for Business, Economics, and Management): Statistics are used frequently in the world of business and finance; this class will help you understand where these statistics come from and how to use them yourself. This class is targeted at students in the business school but will be useful for everyone!

Math 145 (Stats for Health/Life Sciences): Similar to Math 144, this class looks at statistics as it's used in the health, life, and natural sciences.

Math 155 (Basic Statistical Reasoning): Statistics are increasingly used in the news and on the internet. This class will help you make sense of all the stats.

Math 165 (Quantifying Sustainability):  Learn how to describe quantitatively the many processes that affect the sustainable production and consumption of natural resources.

Math 216 (Introduction to Mathematical Statistics): Statistics is one of the most powerful ways we have of drawing conclusions about the world we live in. This class will help you understand and use statistical tools and to investigate some of their mathematical underpinnings.

Perspectives Courses

Math 161 (Math and Society): How do we manage credit card debt or choose the right loan? How do we share a cake in a fair way?  These questions and many more in this course show us how mathematics helps us function as a society.    Perspective: Social Science  

Math 165 (Quantifying Sustainability):  Learn how to describe quantitatively the many processes that affect the sustainable production and consumption of natural resources. Perspective: Natural Science

Math 262 (Ethnomathematics): Study mathematical ideas arising from world cultures, recognize contributions of non-Western societies to the history of mathematics, and explore mathematical thinking outside of traditional Western mathematics. Perspective: Social Science  

Capstone and Writing Intensive Courses

Math 498-499 (Capstone Experience I&II):  For math majors, this course sequence satisfies the Writing Intensive and Capstone requirement for the ICC.

Diversity Courses

Math 262 (Ethnomathematics): Study mathematical ideas arising from world cultures, recognize contributions of non-Western societies to the history of mathematics, and explore mathematical thinking outside of traditional Western mathematics. Perspective: Social Science