Learn about IC’s “Teach in 5” program. (IC students already enrolled in the Social Studies Teacher Education major will be supported through completion of their degree. For degree requirements, please refer to the Ithaca College catalog for the year in which you declared this major.)
Welcome to the Social Studies Education Page! This page contains information about Social Studies Education programs at Ithaca College, as well as useful information and links for current and future Social Studies teachers.
Ithaca College offers two options for students wishing to pursue New York State Certification in Social Studies 7-12:
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies - Final entry term: Fall 2021
- Master of Arts in Teaching
B.A. in Social Studies - Final entry term: Fall 2021
At the undergraduate level, students may enroll in the BA in Social Studies with Teaching Option major. This allows students to complete all of their requirements, student teach their senior year and graduate with Initial NYS Certification. Though students will need to earn their Master's Degree to obtain Permanent Certification, they are eligible to begin teaching upon graduation.
Degree Requirements:
Visit the catalog for courses as well as a description of the history department, including policies on AP credit and Honors in History.
Program requirements are set in the semester when you declare a major. For those who became majors in Fall 2015 or after, the above requirements are the ones that apply to you. Upper level students need to click on the years below for the requirements that apply to you. For instance, if you became a Social Studies major in August of 2012, you would click on the "2012-2013" link below:
Social Studies Teaching Option, B.A.
- 2015-2016 Social Studies Teaching Option, B.A.
- 2014-2015 Social Studies Teaching Option, B.A.
- 2013-2014 Social Studies Teaching Option, B.A.
- 2012-2013 Social Studies Teaching Option, B.A.
Masters of Arts in Teaching
The other option is the Master of Arts in Teaching program, which offers an MAT in Adolescence Education with a concentration in Social Studies. This is intended for students who hold a BA from Ithaca College or another institution and have a concentration of at least 30 credits of History. Students must take three Education prerequisite courses prior to official enrollment. The program consists of two full semesters plus two summer sessions. Students graduate with initial NYS certification and must teach for three years to earn permanent certification.
More information on Ithaca College's Graduate Studies in Social Studies Education can be found here.

Students at the New-York Historical Society during a Department trip to New York City. Joseph Buttimer (on left) was a History major who graduated from Ithaca College's MAT program and is now a teacher. Evan Denning (on right) also majored in History and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in adolescent education in preparation to becoming a teacher.