Students with a minimum 3.0 GPA can apply to the Integrative Studies Major after accruing 45 credits. Students must be admitted into the Integrative Studies major in time to register for and complete a minimum of three regular semesters of study in the major. Transfer students who have finished two semesters on other campuses are immediately eligible for Integrative Studies; however, transfer students cannot begin the process of developing an Integrative Studies major prior to enrolling at Ithaca College.

You must be admitted into the Integrative Studies major in time to register for and complete a minimum of three regular semesters of study in the major. This means that you cannot begin the application process after you have completed five semesters, since proposal development typically takes more than two months to complete. For this reason, too, we advise you to begin discussing your ideas as soon as possible, but no later than September 1 or February 1 of your first semester as a junior.

For additional requirements of the degree, please consult the Guidelines for Developing an Integrative Studies Major, and also see the curriculum requirements as specified in the college catalog.