Residence Hall Snow Plowing Plan

The Residence Hall Snow Plowing Plan has been established to increase campus safety, increase the thoroughness of plowing efforts and reduce the time it takes to plow in parking lots generally used by residence hall students.

When snow has accumulated to the degree deemed necessary to initiate the plan, residential students will be notified to move their vehicles to pre-designated alternative parking lots between the hours of 6 PM and 9 PM.  Unless a snow emergency is declared, students will generally be notified 48 hours in advance through Intercom and Residential Life communication channels.  Grounds will notify Residential Life when the Residence Hall Parking Lot Snow Plowing Plan is to be initiated.  A template message will be posted on intercom by Grounds.  The same template message will be sent to residence hall students via the residence hall communication channels.

Residence Hall Parking Lot Snow Plowing SCHEDULE

Clear Out Day Residential Lot Snow Removal Alternative Lot
Monday CC L ext.
Tuesday L F or J-Blue
Wednesday A M
Wednesday J F
Wednesday Z S ext.
Thursday B C
Thursday D C
Thursday R C or Z
Thursday S C