Our research, developed through the 2023 HR Effectiveness Survey, 21 feedback sessions with staff and faculty teams across campus, and various internal working groups and retreats drives the commitments and goals we've set for IC Human Resources' service, support, and mission by the year 2026.
HR Service 2026
HR Service 2026 Commitments

Insomuch as this project anticipates answers to the very question of what an employer of choice will represent in the year 2026, the point of these questions is their very unanswerable quality – working daily as HR professionals, we are fine-tuning our answers and discovering new questions with the intention of sharing our learning, growth and development with the campus community. But ultimately, this is a shared goal—if not a daily practice—of all constituents of IC: to build a culture of support, collaboration, inclusion and excitement that sees us choosing day after day to return to IC.
HR Service 2026 Project Milestones
Year 1 (2024): Transform HR Service Delivery and instill the People Partner Principle.
Year 2 (2025): Shift to strategy by elevating service delivery and quality and reviewing and transforming processes and practices.
Year 3 (2026): Challenge and change culture by expanding offerings, programs, and tools.

Learn More
Want to learn more about HR Transformation, or join the conversation? Email or call Human Resources, or stop by our office in the Garden Level of Peggy Ryan Williams Center.