
Homework -- an article about what educators can do to make homework effective.

The Homework Dilemma: How Much Should Parents Get Involved? -- guidance for teachers about what they can do to help parents help their children with homework.

Learning Network -- lesson plans, homework tips, and student and parent information centers.

The Homework Spot -- a site to help students with homework, but good for educators too.

Good Calculators -- This website provides a variety of free online calculators, math and statistics, financial, engineering and conversion calculators.

Best Online Tutoring -- A comprehensive guide about tutoring- what online platforms are available and how to maximize your extracurricular studies.

Scholarship Search Platforms -- A comprehensive guide on maximizing your scholarship acquisition potential. This guide details the ins and outs of scholarships searching, as well as providing an ample amount of different online scholarship websites for the user to access.

Books and Articles

Cooper, H. 2001. The Battle Over Homework: Common Ground for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents. Corwin Press.

Davis, B. 1993. Tools for Teaching. Jossey-Bass.

Gose, M. 1999. Creating a Winning Gameplan: The Secondary Teachers Playbook. Corwin Press.

Kralovec, J. & Nuell, J. 2001. The End of Homework: How Homework Disrupts Families, Overburdens Children, and Limits Learning. Beacon Press.

Marzano, R., Pickering, D. & Pollock, J. 2001. Classroom Instruction That Works. Association for Curriculum Development.

Wachter, J. 1999. Sweating the Small Stuff: Answers to Teachers' Biggest Problems. Corwin Press.


A Research Guide for Students -- this site provides all the necessary tools for students to conduct research and to present their findings.

Explore Learning -- Gizmos are online stimulations that power inquiry and understanding. This site offers close to 500 highly interactive Gizmos for math and science education.

Interactive Mathematics -- this site helps you learn math while playing with it. Includes algebra, money math, trigonometry, graphs, complex numbers, probability, differentiation, integration and higher calculus.

Illuminations -- includes a library of online activities that help to make math come alive in the classroom or at home and a collection of lessons for preK – 12 math educators.

KidsHealth -- this site offers information about health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years. Type homework into the search box for some great tips.

Cooper, H., Robinson, J. & Patall, E. Does Homework Improve Academic Achievement? A Synthesis of Research, 1987-2003. 2006. Review of Educational Research, 76(1):1-62.

Balli, S., Demo, D. & Wedman, J. 1998. Family Involvement with Children's Homework: An Intervention in the Middle Grades. Family Relations, 47(2): 149-157.

Gill, B. & Schlossman, S. 2003. A Nation at Rest: The American Way of Homework. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 25(3): 319-337.

Eunsook, H., Milgram, R. & Rowell, L. 2004. Homework Motivation and Preference: A Learner-Centered Homework Approach. Theory into Practice, 43(3): 197-204.

Cosden, M., Morrison, G., Gutierrez, L. & Brown, M. 2004. The Effects of Homework Programs and After-School Activities on School Success. Theory into Practice, 43(3): 220-226.

Kohn, A. 2007. The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of A Bad thing. De Capo.

Marzano, R. 2007. A Case For And Against Homework. Educational Leadership, 64(6).

Homework - Purpose, Public Attitudes toward Homework, The Positive and Negative Effects of Homework, Extensiveness of Homework -- this article covers the main questions that parents and teachers have about homework and how it should be viewed. It briefly discusses the effects of homework, what an appropriate amount should be, and its overall purpose.

Sullivan, M. H., & Sequeira, P. V. 1996. The Impact of Purposeful Homework on Learning. Clearing House. 69 (6).