Participate in either (or both) of the following courses.

Participate in Ithaca College's learning community and equip yourself for a successful transition to Ithaca College. To register, log in to IC Connect starting Monday, April 10. (You can register once you confirm that you will be enrolling at Ithaca College this fall.)

College: learning to learn

Interrogate your assumptions about education, conduct experiments on your own learning habits, and apply the science of success to your transformation from high school to a college student. You'll build the tools, mindset, and motivation to become a self-directed learner; to take control and shape the college experience you want for yourself; to take calculated academic risks; and to identify and build the habits and practices that will help you bring your personal best to your first year at Ithaca College.

Community: Exploring the people and places of ic

Welcome to the vibrant learning community of Ithaca College and its host community, Ithaca, New York! You will meet new students from every corner of IC and work together to explore what it means to be a part of a community—on campus and beyond. A range of disciplinary perspectives and case studies (stories, poems, essays, photographs, music, and movies) will help us connect the different worlds and identities of our lived experiences and the new communities we now enter, imagine, and seek to build at the outset of a shared Ithaca College experience.

Deep Dive Courses

Extend your learning by also choosing from more than a dozen Deep Dive courses!

  • Explore a topic in depth.
  • Connect with a faculty mentor.
  • Meet other students who share your interests.
  • Earn one college credit!