Bus Providers

Please do not make arrangements with a bus provider that is not on the approved bus companies list.  Please refer to the sample contract (Section E) for the types of buses that can be rented.  School buses, limousines, vans (large or small), and car service are not allowed to be rented. For bus service companies that are out of state, please contact Risk Management or Legal Affairs at least 30 days in advance before booking and signing a contract. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Risk Management at 607-274-3285. 

As of July 1st, 2022, a bus chartering policy is in place.

In addition, the College has entered into contracts with several local bus companies and requires campus departments and student organizations to do business with one of these approved companies.

When a bus provider is hired, the only documentation a department should accept for signature from the provider is the “Confirmation” evidencing the date(s) of service, pick-up and drop-off information, cost and billing detail (total expense and deposit are determined between the provider and College department), description of the vehicle, and it may contain other detail related directly to the trip.  It must not include any provision stating that the College would be responsible for property damage, liability, negligence, etc.  If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the Office of Risk Management.

At times, a bus provider may attempt to also supply their own contract.  This must not be accepted nor signed by a College department since a final contract now exists and is in effect between the College and each bus provider.  If this occurs, please remind the provider that they have signed a contract with the College and advise them any additional contract will not be accepted.

For strategic sourcing and procurement-related assistance with charter bus services, contact Bernie Murtha at 274-7764 or bmurtha@ithaca.edu.

As always, thank you for your understanding. As the number of catastrophic bus incidents across the country continues to rise, it became very clear that it was time to move in this direction. If you have any questions relating to this new policy, please call Risk Management at 607-274-3285.