Years of Service Luncheon - Fall 2024

Congratulations to our outstanding employees for their unwavering dedication to the IC community. We are delighted to have the opportunity to host this event. We extend our gratitude to all the honorees for their commitment, and we eagerly anticipate future celebrations! Please see the sub-tabs for photo galleries from the event.

10 Years

Susan Bassett, Joey Bromfield, Kari Brossard Stoos, Michael Caporizzo, Terri Ann Coronel, Radio Cremata, Toby Dragon, John Elmore, Carlos Figueroa, Sarah Fishel, Ellie Fulmer, Ted Galanthay, Enrique Gonzalez-Conty, Katy Hall, Jane Hancock, Glendon Harris, Evgenia Ilieva, Narges Kasiri, Terri Ledbetter, Te-Wen Lo, Jennifer McKeon, Patrick McKeon, Larry Moore, Leah Murphy, John O'Neil, Harold Oliver, Alex Reed, Stephanie Salcedo, David Salomon, Giovanni Santacroce, Robyn Schmitt, Charlie Sherman, Alison Shields, Sandra Simpson, Brandon Smith, Jennifer Spitzer, Jacob White, Megan Williams

15 Years

Elizabeth Bergman, Mike Carlison, Wendy Dann, Amy Frith, Steven Gordon, Jason Harrington, Paul Hesler, Marc Israel, Jessica Kerns, Matt Klemm, Nick Kowalczyk, Mish Lenhart, Jennifer Mellott, Matthew Price, DJ Robinson, Jim Stafford, Mike Titlebaum, Tyler Wagenet, Mike Wainwright, Amanda Walrad, Marc Webster

20 Years

Betty Dean, Maria DiFrancesco, Hope Dodge, Sarah Drumheller, Akiko Fillinger, Jason Freitag, Bryan Frost, Jim Hays, Doreen Hettich-Atkins, Jeff Holmes, Jennifer Jolly, Anna Larsen, Melissa Marchese, Clint McCartney, Jennifer Potter, Mike Quail, Beth Reynolds, Matthew Walters, Karin Wikoff

25 Years

Susan Allen, Dion Alpert, Luisa Amerman, David Bump, Keith Kaiser, Paula Larsen, Judith Pena-Shaff, Michael Richardson, Michael Sherwood, Alexander Shuhan

30 Years

Diane Birr, Amy Noble, Mary Scheidegger, Stephen Tropiano

35 Years

Andy Hebbard, Paul Mikula, Hormoz Movassaghi, Kristine Slaght, Gladys M. Varona-Lacey

40 Years

Katharyn Machan

45 Years

Diane Gayeski