A Certificate of Insurance is a document that evidences specific insurance coverage.  The Certificate provides verification of the insurance and contains information on an insured's policies including; limits of coverage, insurance company name, policy number, named insured, additional insured, the policy effective/term dates, etc.  A certificate is provided to third parties who require it in the course of doing business with the insured party.

Certificates are usually requested by opposite parties in an agreement, contract, or transaction to make certain the other party has the appropriate insurance coverage.

The College's insurance requirements for third parties can be found by clicking here. However, the requirements are subject to change depending on the scope of work. If you have any questions, please contact Risk Management. Ithaca College requires a Certificate of Insurance when the College contracts with an outside party.

There will be times when College departments are required to provide a Certificate of Insurance to a third party for an off-campus event or activity.

Please complete the Certificate of Insurance Request Form below at least 10 days prior to the scheduled event.

Student Film Shoots

When the entity requests a Certificate of Insurance for a film shoot, please complete the Student Film Shoot Request Form and submit it to the Office of Risk Management via email riskmanagement@ithaca.edu, by fax 607-274-5717 or in person to 319 PRW Ctr.