Ithaca College strongly encourages everyone to report any crime that occurs on or around campus for a number of reasons to Public Safety immediately at 607-274-3333.

Under the Clery Act, certain crimes reported to a campus security authority (CSA) must be included and published in the daily crime log and ASFSR. Further, the Clery Act requires institutions of higher learning to issue timely warnings (Public Safety Alerts) and emergency notifications to the campus community in the event of a situation that requires students, faculty, and staff to be informed of the event and/or take immediate action to protect their safety and wellbeing. In order for this to occur, it is critical that Campus Security Authorities are identified and trained on what must be reported and understand the reporting structure of Ithaca College. If CSAs fail to report and/or if the College has not properly identified and train these individuals, it can cause the College to suffer significant fines and jeopardize Title IV funding.

Identification and Responsibilities of Campus Security Authorities

The identification of campus security authorities happens through a collaborative process with campus partners utilizing the definition provided by the Department of Education (ED). ED states that, if the function of a position lends to playing a significant role in student life and campus activities, they are considered to be campus security authorities. 

There is a range of individuals across campus that are considered campus security authorities, some for the short-term, and others for the long-term. Examples of campus security authorities include faculty and staff advisors to student organizations, advisors of college-sponsored trips with students, working within Intercollegiate Athletics, Residential Life, Student Conduct and Community Standards, Student Engagement, Title IX, and Public Safety.

Once identified, campus security authorities are invited to the Clery Act: CSA training that is offered throughout the year, both in-person and virtual training options are provided. Campus security authorities are expected to complete the training once per calendar year.   

The function of a CSA is to immediately report crimes and incidents to Public Safety.

By accepting the role of an individual with significant responsibility for members of the Ithaca College community, it is essential that the safety and wellbeing of students and employees are at the forefront of our minds. 

How do I know if I am a Campus Security Authority?

If I am a CSA, how do I fulfill my annual training obligation?

You will receive a training notification from the Assistant Director of the Clery Act and Prevention Education and/or a dean, associate dean, or supervisor/director of your department. The training is available multiple times a year. Course materials are located in Microsoft Teams and made available to all campus security authorities through the Teams platform. Community members with questions or training requests can contact the Elyse Nepa at or (607) 274-3759.

Reporting Crimes

CSAs are encouraged to report all crimes disclosed or witnessed, on a timely basis, to Public Safety so that trained professionals can determine whether or not a crime or incident poses a continuing threat to the safety, health, and wellbeing of the campus community. In the event that a situation poses a continuing or imminent threat, College officials will determine if a Public Safety Alert or Emergency Notification System needs to be issued in order to inform and protect the campus community.

If you are made aware of a crime or incident, you can report in any of the following ways:

  • Contact Public Safety immediately at 607-274-3333 or 911 from any landline phone.

  • Blue Light Telephone

  • Emergency Call Box 

  • Satellite office located in the Campus Center (M-F 10:00 am - 2:00 pm)

  • Public Safety Building located on Farm Pond Road

What information should I be prepared to report?

Type of crime or incident, location of the crime, date of crime, and date crime was reported to you.

Location of Crime

The Clery Act requires that the Ithaca College collects, classifies, and discloses reported Clery Act crimes according to the institution's geographical jurisdiction. Providing accurate information regarding the general location of a crime is pertinent to the classification and disclosure of crime statistics, and to be able to assess campus safety. 

For more information on Clery Geography, please click here.

Do you have a dual reporting role under Title IX?

CSAs, as defined by the Clery Act, and Officials with Authority, as defined in Title IX guidance, are very similar in the scope of their responsibilities and obligation to report certain information to designated college officials. However, these roles are also different in terms of the types of information that must be reported and who that information should be reported to. Read more information on the expectations of Officials With Authority!

Who is a CSA?

  • Sworn officers and campus security officials within the Office of Public Safety
  • Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department.
  • Any individual or organization designated by the institution to receive a crime report, as listed in the ASFSR.
  • An official of Ithaca College who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings.
  • Pastoral and professional counselors are considered confidential resources when acting in their roles as pastoral or professional counselors.
    • These individuals are highly encouraged to share resources on reporting incidents.
    • When/if these individuals engage in activities outside of their roles as counselors, they are required to report immediately to the Title IX Coordinator and/or Public Safety.